
Friday 26 February 2010

Friday 56 - Shades of Midnight

The Friday 56 is a weekly meme hosted by Storytime with Tonya and Friends

• Grab the book CLOSEST to you.
• Share the 5th sentence on the 56th page.
• Note the title & author
• Link back

The 5th sentence:
He hadn't found any surprises during his visit to the makeshift morgue.  It hadn't been either animal or humans that killed the Toms family.

Page 56, Shades of Midnight by Lara Adrian

I just finished reading this so I'll have a review posted later today.


  1. What was it then?!

    Nice Tease - Miranda

  2. Soooo looking forward to read your review =p

  3. hihi.....though the teaser said no surprise!! I bet your review will surprise me!! Sarah...haha!!!
    looking forward for your review...
    CJ's waiting.....haha!! lol..

  4. @ Miranda - now that would be telling LOL!

    @ Darlyn- I love this series :o) I should have the review up in a couple of hours

    @ CJ - LOL I'll have it ready asap :o)

    @ Melissa - glad you like it :o)

  5. Great teaser sentence! How lucky that one came up. I usually have to add more sentences or I end up with things like "He did" or "No". I have some books by Lara Adrian on my TBR stack. If this sentence is an example, it looks like I should get to them sooner rather than later.

    My Friday 56 is here.

  6. That is definitely an attention grabber! Thanks for the great teaser.

  7. OMG what killed them, then? Yikes. Really good teaser!

    Thanks for visiting my blog today:)

  8. "makeshift morgue?" Do they have so many people dying that they had to make another morgue or did they not have one to begin with?

  9. @ Kathy - I usually have the same problem LOL. I have to confess I've skipped some books because the teaser just wouldn't make any sense or make people want to read what is actually a really great book!

    @ Stephanie - I'm glad you liked it :o)

    @ Missy - LOL that would be telling hehehe :o)

    @ Tonya - The story is set in a really small town in Alaska so I don't think they actually had a morgue :o)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. @ Juju - glad you liked it :o)
