
Saturday 20 February 2010

In My Mailbox (8)

Thanks to Kristi at The Story Siren for hosting In My Mailbox every week.

Rather than buying me chocolates & flowers for Valentine's Day my fiance Ant ordered some books for me on Amazon.  Now this is my kind of gift LOL
  1. Stray - Rachel Vincent
  2. Rogue - Rachel Vincent
  3. Pride - Rachel Vincent
  4. Prey - Rachel Vincent
  5. Naked Dragon - Annette Blair
Books Purchased:
  1. Fire In His Eyes - Stella & Audra Price
  2. Midnight Lover - Rosemary Laurey
Library Finds:
  1. Hearts in Darkness - Keri Arthur
  2. Memory Zero - Keri Arthur
Competition Prizes:
  1. I received a signed copy of Adored by Tina Donahue after taking part in a scavenger hunt at Erotic Romantic Crush Junies which I'm really looking forward to reading. 
  2. I spent the $30 Amazon voucher I won at the yahoo group Total Exposure on the 4 books in the Demonica Series by Larissa Ione - Pleasure Unbound, Desire Unchained, Passion Unleashed and Ecstasy Unveiled.
I had an amazing week for winning eBooks this week.  I don't actually own an eReader yet but Ant has promised me one for my birthday in a few weeks so I'm thrilled I'm going to have some books ready to try it out with!

  1. I received 2 eBooks from Yolanda Sfetsos that I won from her giveaway with VampChix - Heart & Soul and The Vampire Oracle: Death
  2. From Blackraven's Erotic Cafe I received Tangled by Karen Erickson
  3. Keta Diablo held a giveaway on the blog Quackers & Tease and I chose a copy of Dust & Moonlight
  4. Shelley Munro did a guest post at Literary Escapism and offered a copy of Scarlet Woman - the first book in her Middlemarch Mates series.
  5. I also received a copy of Between Heaven & Hell from author Stephanie Adkins from a giveaway she did at Coffee Time Romance.
  6. Last but not least I also won a copy of A Vampire for Christmas from author Susan Hanniford Crowley from her Valentine's day guest post on Patricia's Vampire Notes

So I had a pretty good week LOL.  I'm looking forward to seeing what you all got this week :o)


  1. You got a great collection of books this week. I really like the series by Rachel Vincent. The Keri Arthur books were good too.

    What kind of an ebook reader are you going to get? I love my Kindle.

    Happy reading!

  2. Awesome books. I've heard a lot of good things about The shifters series. Hope you enjoy reading all your books.

  3. Looks like great books, hope you enjoy!!

  4. LOL You won so many books! How fun! I'm loving your valentine's day present. Well done Ant!

  5. Heaven and Hell looks good. Many great books you won there, you are very luck! :) Happy reading to yOU.

  6. @ Kathy - I started reading Stray last night & am really enjoying it so far :o) I'd not read anything by Keri Arthur before but just finished Dancing with the Devil & really loved it. Have you read any of her other series?

    I'm having trouble deciding what eBook reader to get. We can now get the Kindle here in the UK but we have to order it from the US & I think the books are all in $ which will make things confusing for me LOL. I'm thinking of going for a Sony one at the moment as that seems to be the only one I can go into a store to actually have a look at. I like the extra features of the Kindle though!

    @ Rebecca - I've just started Stray & am really enjoying it so far :o) Hopefully the rest of the series is as good - I'm sure it will be as I've heard so many good things about it!

    @ Book Monster - Thanks :o) Hope you have a great week

    @ Becky - I can't believe how well I've been doing in contests! I never usually win anything but seem to be doing quite well since I started blogging :o) I was very impressed with my Valentines day present - Ant always manages to do really well with things like that!

    @ Nina - I'm looking forward to reading Between Heaven & Hell :o) Just got to get my ebook reader first - I hate trying to read books on my laptop!

  7. Great Valentine's Day present! :) Happy reading!

  8. Love the cat in your IMM picture! I've heard that the series by Rachel Vincent is good, although I haven't read it. Enjoy your books!

  9. Wow - you got loads of books this week! Have fun reading them all !

  10. That was so nice of your fiance! I just picked up Rachel Vincent - actually I'm waiting for Stray to arrive from Amazon- so I'm glad to hear that you are enjoying it so far. Have a great reading week!

  11. whoa, lots of books this week! They all look really good. I think my tbr list just jumped exponentially. Hope you enjoy all of these books! :) Happy Reading!

  12. @ PolishOutlander - I was very impressed with it LOL :o) Have a great week!

    @ Lizzy - I found the picture when I did a google search & had to use it because it is so similar to my cat! From what I've read of Stray so far I'd recommend the series :o)

    @ Chrissie - I had an amazing week! I'm going to try & put myself on a book buying ban now though until I've reduced my TBR pile. Not sure how successful the ban will be though LOL!

    @ Serpentine Librarian - Ant is such a sweetheart :o) I hope you enjoy Stray (I'm sure you will!) I'll look forward to reading your review!

  13. @ Corrine - I'm very happy with my books this week LOL. Glad you found some there for your TBR list! My list grows every Sunday when I'm looking at everyones mailbox posts LOL :o)

  14. WOW, very cool haul this week. Here's Mine.

  15. Thanks Lori :o) I just had a look at your mailbox & a lot of the books you have are on my wishlist! Hope you enjoy them all
