
Monday 15 March 2010

It's Monday, What are you Reading? (10)

This meme was started at J. Kaye's Book Blog but has now moved to One Person's Journey Through a World of Books run by Sheila. 


I was really excited to have the opportunity to do an interview with author Jacquelyn Wheeler this week.  I read her book Rising Shadow this week & the next book in her Soterian's series Merger will be being released soon.  I'll be posting this tomorrow so please come back & check it out.  I'm also going to be doing an interview with Alex Bell soon so that's another one to look out for.

Books read last week: (Click on the links to read my reviews)
  1. Rising Shadow - Jacquelyn Wheeler
  2. Tex Trent versus the Gods - Alex Bell
  3. A Vampire's Kiss Volume 1 - Laura Stamps (Chapters 1-3 of a new serialised novel)
  4. Covet - J.R. Ward
  5. Memory Zero - Keri Arthur
  6. Dark Life - Kat Falls
  7. The Devil You Know - Jenna Black
What I'm reading now:
What I'll be reading next:

I'm getting a lot more reading done when I don't set too many reading goals so I'm just going to keep this list small.  I'm planning to read Hex Hall and The Island for review as they come out in a couple of weeks.  I've also got 1 last library book that needs to go back this week and then I want to try & start reducing my TBR pile a bit.

Challenge updates:

Speculative Fiction Reading Challenge - Read 24/24 - COMPLETE

Contests won:
  1. I won a copy of and Falling, Fly by Skyler White from Amberkatze's Book Blog.  I've seen quite a few fab reviews for this one so I'm sure it's going to be a great read.
  2. I also won an ARC of A Local Habitation by Seanan McGuire from Dirty Sexy Books.  This is book 2 in the October Daye series & I already had book 1 on my wishlist so it's given me a good excuse to buy it.  I'm really looking forward to both of these.
What are you reading?


  1. Oh you are reading Hex Hall! I want to read this one. I hope it is wonderful and congrats on your upcoming interview! I love chatting with authors.

  2. love the hex hall cover..but i thought the cover is different.but it's looks cool by the way. happy reading!

  3. I've got Hex Hall on my be on the look out for list. Enjoy.

  4. @ Sheila - I really enjoyed Hex Hall, I'll have my review up later today :o) It's always good fun talking to authors. I love the fact that so many authors are happy to chat to fans!

    @ Darlyn - I've seen a different cover too, you're probably thinking of the US cover - the one I have is the UK version that comes out on the 1st April.

    @ Nise - I really enjoyed Hex Hall, I'll have my review up later if you want to read it :o)
