
Monday 5 April 2010

It's Monday, What are you Reading? (13)

This meme was started at J. Kaye's Book Blog but has now moved to One Person's Journey Through a World of Books run by Sheila. 

Books read last week: (Click on the links to read my reviews)
  1. Sex, Lies and Vampires - Katie MacAlister
  2. Need - Carrie Jones
  3. Passion Unleashed - Larissa Ione
  4. You Burn Me - Stella & Audra Price
I'm a bit behind with reviews because of our holiday but I should be able to catch up over the next couple of days.
What I'm reading now:
What I'll be reading next:

I haven't really decided what I'm going to be reading next yet.  I have a few review books I want to get started on & then I'm planning a big sort out of my TBR pile - at the moment most of my books are in boxes so I want to get them on shelves so I can actually see what I've got!
Challenge updates:

Paranormal Reading Challenge - Read 50/50 - COMPLETE
Speculative Fiction Reading Challenge - Read 24/24 - COMPLETE

What are you reading?


  1. Great week! Have fun choosing what books to read this week. If you have time, please stop by my Monday:

  2. Interesting line up :) I'm not a vampire fan, but I hope you enjoy your week!

    Lynne's Book Reviews

  3. I'm looking forward to reading your review of Need - I've been wanting to read that one for a while! Hope you have a great reading week :)

  4. @ Jennifer - I'm quite looking forward to digging through my TBR boxes & seeing what is hidden at the bottom LOL. Hope you have a great week :o)

    @ Lynne - I have to confess to being a vamp addict LOL. I hope you have a fab week :o)

    @ Chrissie - I really liked Need & am looking forward to Captivate :o) I'll get the reviews posted asap LOL. Have a great week!

  5. I love the Demoinca Series!!=)

    A Vampires Kiss looks wicked hot!=)

  6. I hope you enjoyed Need. That is one I want to read as well.

  7. I ditto the other comments about Need. I am looking forward to reading it and the next one too. I will have to check back for your review. Have a great week

  8. You are doing a great job on your challenges! I've only completed the Romance Reading challenge so far.

    I've been curious about the Vampirates series. One of my friends said it was fantastic.

    I hope you enjoy whatever you decide to read this week. I have a lot of review books to get caught up on but I'm trying to read my library books first.

  9. Hiya Sarah!
    Last week I breezed thru Dark Lover & Lover Eternal. This week I shall eat up Lover Awakened & Lover Revealed. I'm just that hooked no thanks to *ahem* some people. :)
    Happy reading!

  10. Fantastic week. Many are reading Need.

  11. congratulations on completing the Paranormal Reading challenge!!! excellent work!!!

  12. You read allot of books! And I cant wait to read your review for Sex, Lies and Vampires - Katie MacAlister. :)

  13. @ ck.twilighter - The Demonica series is fab, I have book 4 in my TBR pile & it won't be long before I'm reading it :o) Volume 1 of A Vampire's Kiss was quite tame as the scene was being set but you could feel the chemistry between the 2 main characters Sara & Dray & Laura has promised me that volume 2 is hot, hot, hot LOL. Can't wait to read it :o)

    @ Sheila - Need was really good, I'm looking forward to reading Captivate :o) Hope you enjoy it!

    @ Jan - I should have my Need review up soon, definitely one to read :o) Hope you're having a fab week!

    @ Christina - There are a few more challenges I've been thinking of signing up for :o) Good luck with the ones you're taking part of! I'd recommend the Vampirates series - I've read the first 2 & they were both fun reads. I'll definitely be continuing with the series. Good luck with reading your library books - I've got quite a stack I need to get though LOL

    @ Mar - YAY I'm so pleased you're enjoying the BDB!!! I have to say Z is my favorite but I can't wait to read JM's story :o) I must start re-reading the series so I can get reviews posted - I still haven't read the last book (Rhev's story). I'd pre-ordered that one & have had it for ages but I want to re-read the others first - not really a good excuse though LOL

    @ Nise - Need was great, I'd recommend it :o) I hope you have a great week!

    @ Wings - thanks :o) I finished it a lot faster than I was expecting to LOL. I'm still going to be reading plenty of Paranormal books though hehe

    @ Nina - I do spend a lot of time reading :o) Sex, Lies & Vampires is the next on my review list so I should have it posted later - I love Katie MacAlister!!
