
Wednesday 5 May 2010

Review: Blue Diablo - Ann Aguirre

Right now I'm a redhead. I've been blond and brunette as the situation requires, though an unscheduled colour change usually means I need to relocate in the middle of the night. So far, I'm doing well here. Nobody knows what I'm running from.  And I'd like to keep it that way.

Eighteen months ago, Corine Solomon crossed the border and wound up in Mexico City, fleeing her past, her lover, and her "gift". Corine, a handler, can touch something and know its history - and sometimes, its future. Using her ability, she can find missing persons - and that's why people never stop trying to find her. People like her ex, Chance.

Chance, whose uncanny luck has led him to her doorstep, needs her help. Someone dear to them both has gone missing in Laredo, Texas, and the only hope of finding her is through Corine's gift. But their search may prove dangerous as the trail leads them into a strange, dark world of demons and sorcerers, ghosts and witchcraft, zombies - and black magic...

Corine Solomon Series:
Blue Diablo
Hell Fire
Shady Lady
Forbidden Fruit (Novella)
Devil's Punch
Agave Kiss

Visit Ann Aguirre's website for more information

Corine is a handler which means that she can touch an item and know it's history but using her gift comes at a high price.  She has been living in Mexico City for the last 18 months trying to hide from her ex-boyfriend Chance and the life they had together.  Although they used to help people with her gift they often ended up getting into trouble and made some dangerous enemies along the way.  Now Corine just wants to live a quiet life and keep her "gift" a secret.

When Chance arrives on her doorstep the last thing she wants is to get involved with him again but he needs her help.  Min, someone they are both very close to, has gone missing and the only way they are going to be able to find her is using Corine's gift.  Following a trail of clues to Texas they come up against a dangerous enemy - they are going to need help but it isn't going to be easy to decide who they can trust.

Blue Diablo is told from Corine's perspective and I liked her voice immediately, Corine may not be your typical urban fantasy heroine but she is a very real character that I found it easy to relate to.  Her past relationship with Chance has been plagued with difficulties and although Corine left him they both still have strong feelings for each other.  Despite the attraction between them Corine is nervous about letting him close as she doesn't want to get hurt again.  I felt the way that Corine and Chance reacted to each other was very realistic and I'm interested in seeing things develop between them in future books in the series.

There is a great cast of supporting characters from their friend Chuch & his wife Eva to the sexy detective Jesse Saldana who is also investigating Min's disappearance.  Ann Aguirre has a wonderful way of describing things making it easy to picture the scene - after reading this book it is easy to imagine that I've actually visited Mexico and Texas.

If I have anything negative to say it would be that some of the action scenes towards the end of the book felt a little rushed but I found that a minor irritation and overall I really enjoyed Blue Diablo.  I thought this was a great start to a new series & I'm looking forward to reading Hell Fire and finding out what happens to Corine next.

Source: I won this book from author Ann Aguirre in a giveaway on Twitter - Thanks Ann

Other Reviews:
Brooke Reviews
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  1. I thought the handler is some kind of FBI agent protecting someone.Wow, handler is actually a gift by touching something?fascinating =)

    Nice review Sarah!

  2. Hi Darlyn, I think I've heard the term handler used in other ways but in the case of this series it is Corine's gift of being able to read an item's history by touching it.
