
Wednesday 7 July 2010

Review: I Married A Dragon - Beverly Rae

Chrissy Taylor doesn’t believe in a lot of things. Her life, and her career as a supernatural myth-buster, are ruled by logic and skepticism. Love at first sight? Forget it—until she’s swept off her feet by Mr. Tall, Dark and Mysterious.

The next thing she knows, she’s done the most illogical thing imaginable: run off to Vegas for a quickie marriage. And Mr. TD&M’s insatiable hunger for her body is starting to feel suspiciously like an attempt to make her the one thing she fears most. Pregnant.

Even though Kaine sets Chrissy’s world on fire—literally—she can’t resist embarking on her toughest debunking mission yet. She must unearth the truth about her new husband before desire consumes the last of her reason.

Kaine Delcaluca is withholding the fact that he’s a dragon, but time is of the essence. He desperately needs an heir to save his dynasty. Plus, he has an even bigger problem. The Scepter of Fire, the only weapon powerful enough to kill a dragon, has gone missing. If he fails to find it—and knock up his new bride—within the next few days, his people are doomed…

Para-Mates Series:
I Married A Demon
I Married A Dragon

Visit Beverly Rae's website for more information & links to purchase this ebook.

Chrissy has made a career out of proving the supernatural doesn't exist, her business is explaining the unexplainable and she does a good job of it.  When she meets Kaine he sweeps her off her feet & they jump straight in with both feet with a quickie wedding in Las Vegas.  The honeymoon isn't over when Kaine is talking about making babies - something that Chrissy is terrified of.  The chemistry between them may be dynamite but there is something strange about Kaine, and something terrifying about the members of staff at his mansion.  Chrissy is sure she must be losing her mind - she can't really be seeing the things she's been seeing can she?

I really enjoyed the first book in this series (I Married A Demon) and I love dragons so I was really looking forward to reading I Married A Dragon.  Unfortunately this one just missed something for me.  Although it had the same humor of the first book and the sexual chemistry was good I just didn't feel strongly for either of the main characters.  I can understand the whole idea of love at first sight but I couldn't quite get my head around the fact that they married so quickly without even discussing the idea of children - especially considering Kaine wants to start trying for a baby immediately.  When they realised they had vastly different opinions there was no sensible discussion - they just avoided the subject.  I had no real understanding of why Chrissy was so against the idea of having children until very near the end of the book which left me constantly feeling like she was overreacting and behaving like a child herself - not an endearing character trait.

Kaine was hot but the way he kept calling her Chrissy-Doll drove me absolutely crazy, that is probably just a personal taste thing but it was getting on my nerves from not very far into the story & the name was used all the time.  I also didn't like the way Kaine would rather let Chrissy think she was going crazy than tell her the truth.  I didn't get the feeling that he cared for her at all until nearly the end of the book & I couldn't believe she kept looking at him through rose coloured glasses despite the fact he repeatedly told her "I never expected to love you".  Who wants to hear that from their new husband?  I think most people would be asking why he'd married them!  How Chrissy managed to ignore all of the supernatural occurrences I'll never know!

Having said that I still enjoyed the humor of the story and the passion between Chrissy & Kaine was red hot & enjoyable (despite a few dodgy euphemisms for sex that made me cringe a couple of times).  I was disappointed when comparing this to the first book in the series but I may try another book in the series if one is released (there were strong hints at a third book I Married A Vampire at the end of this one).  Hopefully any future releases will match up to the first book.

Source: Thanks to Veronica from Strictly Reviews for sending me this eBook for review.  This review will also be posted on Veronica's blog.

Other Reviews:
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