
Thursday 30 December 2010

UK Only Giveaway: Nightshade by Andrea Cremer - NOW CLOSED

* UPDATE - THIS GIVEAWAY HAS NOW ENDED - Winner announced here *

I wanted him to kiss me - wished he could smell the desire that I knew was pouring off me.  You can't Calla.  This boy isn't the one for you.

Calla Tor has always known her destiny: After graduating from the Mountain School, she'll be the mate of sexy alpha wolf Ren Laroche and fight with him, side by side, ruling their pack and guarding sacred sites for the Keepers. But when she violates her masters' laws by saving a beautiful human boy out for a hike, Calla begins to question her fate, her existence, and the very essence of the world she has known. By following her heart, she might lose everything— including her own life. Is forbidden love worth the ultimate sacrifice?

Witches War Series:
Shadow Days (Prequel Novella)
Wolfsbane (July 2011)
Bloodrose (2012)

Check out Andrea Cremer's website or the UK Nightshade website for more information

I'd like to say a massive thank you to publisher Atom for offering 2 copies of Nightshade by Andrea Cremer to giveaway to 2 lucky UK blog readers.  Nightshade is one of my top picks for 2010 - you can read my review here - so I am really excited to host the giveaway.

Giveaway Details:
  • Atom have offered to give 2 lucky UK winners a copy of Nightshade by Andrea Cremer.
  • All you need to do to enter the giveaway is enter your name and email address in the form below.  One entry per person, multiple entries will be deleted.
  • You can get extra entries if you like but that's entirely up to you.
  • If you would like to comment on my review of Nightshade you can find it here, you can also read Andrea's fab guest post here.
  • You have until 14th January to enter the giveaway and I'll announce the winner on my blog soon afterwards.  The lucky winner will then have 48 hours to email me with their full address details or another winner will be chosen.
  • The books will be sent to the winners by Atom so the winners will have to give permission for me to pass on their address.


  1. Hi Sarah, cool comp! tried entering, but my computer doesn't like your entry form :( silly macbook! oh boo!

  2. Hi Hannah, I'm not sure why you can't see the form - I didn't realise they won't work on macbooks! I've filled in the entry form for you though so you've been entered in the giveaway :o)
