
Friday 14 January 2011

Author's Animal Antics - Curtis Jobling

Author's Animal Antics is a regular blog feature here at Sarah's Book Reviews where I'm very excited to have some fantastic authors come and chat to us about their pets or share animal related stories.  I'm thrilled to introduce the lovely Curtis Jobling as my guest today...


You'd think with four children I wouldn't have time for pets, but that's where you're wrong (cue evil laughter).  We have two cats in Casa Bling, a pair of Bengal brothers named Eric and Ernie.  We used to have a dog too, Samwise (yes, named after the short fat hairy footed fella) but he now lives with my Aunt in Blackpool.  Sam actually got to be a "ringbearer" for me when I proposed to my now-wife halfway up a Welsh mountain; I'd attached the engagement ring to his collar so that when Emma let him off his lead it would fall into her hand.  She actually dropped it when she took the lead off which led to me crawling through the wet grass on all fours, feverishly trying to find the thing while dodging sheep droppings and cowpats.  I know, I'm an old romantic aren't I?

Eric and Ernie are named after two famous comedians who your younger readers may (criminally) not know about.  May I direct you to your grandfather or dad for that matter and ask him about Morecambe and Wise at the earliest opportunity?  I thank you.

Samwise and Eric

Well, as Bengals they can be a little wild.  They're only six generations away from a wild Asian Leopard Cat, and have still got a bit of that attitude in them.  They're not afraid of water (used to swimming in the wild) and used to frequently go fishing for Koi in our old next door neighbours garden.  Great cats, aren't they?  Fish isn't the only thing they like to hunt.  Birds, rats, frogs, mice - on one occasion they dragged a young rabbit through the catflap which promptly squeezed under the sofa we were sat on.  Cue two cats and a dog frantically circuiting the settee like some deranged episode of Scooby Doo.  Yes, cats are great, especially when they bring still-living wild animals into your home, the bigger the better.  I'm just waiting for the day they haul a fresian cow through the toilet window...

Sadly poor Ernie had a nasty encounter with an idiot with an air rifle a couple of years ago, the result being that he had to have his tail amputated.  He's still an adorable, affectionate little fellow, but he's no longer the perfect example of the Bengal breed that could have won competitions (if we'd ever been bonkers enough to enter one!)  Instead he now looks like the stunt double of one of my other creations, Frankenstein's Cat, my mixed up moggie that appeared in his own picture book and animated series.


Eric and Ernie are both very vocal chaps, letting us know when they want to come in.  Their constant MAOWING at the backdoor is frequently a delightful distraction for me as I'm trying to crunch illustration and writing deadlines.  And typically, they miaow when they want in and then miaow because they want out again!  I'm all for cats being independent as opposed to dogs but would it really hurt for them to learn how to open the patio door?

So yes, I'm a pet lover.  We would probably have more if we had a bigger house but for the time being the Chinchillas will have to wait.  Hope you dig Wereworld: Rise of the Wolf, in fact I hope it excites and scares the pants off you in equal measures - do follow the adventure on the official website and keep up to speed on the Jobling blog -!

Enjoy the petting, reading and Bada Bling!


Thank you so much for visiting today Curtis, I can't believe how close Ernie is sitting to Sam in that picture, I've never met a Bengal cat before but they look big (very cute too).  What a lovely way to propose to your wife too, although it sounds like you're lucky you didn't lose the ring!


When the air is clear, sixteen year-old Drew Ferran can pick up the scent of a predator.

When the moon breaks through the clouds, a terrifying fever grips him.

And when a vicious beast invades his home, his gums begin to tear, his fingers become claws, and Drew transforms . . .

Forced to flee the family he loves, Drew seeks refuge in the most godforsaken parts of Lyssia. But when he is captured by Lord Bergan's men, Drew must prove he is not the enemy.

Can Drew battle the werecreatures determined to destroy him - and master the animal within?

Curtis Jobling is the animator who gave us Bob the Builder (I'm not sure if my international readers will know who that is but I'm sure all the Brits will!) and his debut novel Wereworld: Rise of the Wolf was released on the 6th of January.  I've seen some fantastic reviews for Wereworld but unfortunately my copy appears to have been lost in the post, I've got another copy on the way though & can't wait to read it.  I'll get my review posted as soon as I can.

Find out more about Curtis and his work here - Website / Wereworld Website / Blog / Twitter / Facebook

For more information about the Author's Animal Antics feature click here

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