
Saturday 29 January 2011

Review: Love Immortal - Felicity Heaton

When you're searching for your purpose, the last thing you expect to discover is that you're the latest reincarnation of a goddess on a three thousand year old mission to defeat the original werewolf, Lycaon, before he can gain revenge on Zeus and Olympus.

Rescued from the claws of werewolves by Julian, a handsome and mysterious immortal, Lauren is pulled into a dark and frightening new world full of monsters out to kill her and an organisation of people with phenomenal abilities who want to protect her—Ghost. But the most frightening thing of all is that soon Lauren will need to drink Julian's blood in order to reawaken and regain her immortal powers.

Or she will die.

Julian isn't about to let that happen. He's never met anyone like Lauren and he's determined not to lose her. She's the perfect copy of Illia but is nothing like her or any of the incarnations. She is light to their darkness, and she breathes life back into him, but can he trust her with his heart and bring himself to believe that the feelings she shows him are real after everything he has been through?

Can Lauren succeed in defeating Lycaon when all of her predecessors have failed? Will she be able to crack the armour around Julian's heart and seize her happily forever after with him?

Visit Felicity Heaton's website for more information.  You can also read the first 8 chapters for free on the Love Immortal blog.

Lauren is just a normal woman with no idea of the supernatural creatures that exist until she is attacked by werewolves on her way home one night.  She is saved by a mysterious stranger, one who explains her life is in danger if she doesn't let him help her.  Lauren doesn't believe Julian when he tells her that she is the reincarnation of a Greek Goddess Illia but as much as she tries to deny it she soon discovers that Julian is telling the truth.  It is her destiny to try and defeat the werewolf Lycaon but this is something that her previous incarnations have been trying to do for nearly 4,000 years - how can Lauren possibly succeed when all the others have failed?

I have read and enjoyed several novellas by Felicity Heaton so I was really looking forward to seeing what she could do with a full length novel, I can tell you now that Love Immortal did not disappoint.  It contains everything I could ask for in a paranormal romance - action, danger, mystery, betrayal, lust, love, passion and much more besides.  Lauren is a great heroine, she may not have asked for the life she has but when she accepts her heritage she goes to great lengths to protect those she cares about and to learn everything she can to help her defeat Lycaon.  She has her backup but she isn't someone who is going to sit about and let everyone else fight for her - she wants to be in on the action and make sure she plays her part.  She is equally determined to get her man and Julian is definitely a man worth fighting for.

I absolutely loved Julian, he is prepared to do whatever it takes to protect Lauren and has been through so much to keep her and her previous incarnations safe.  Illia was the love of his life and he was distraught when she died, watching over her incarnations throughout the years has torn his heart into pieces as none of them have ever returned his feelings.  This makes him very wary of falling for Lauren but she is so different from Illia and the others and he finds her very hard to resist.  The sexual tension between the two of them was fantastic and had me desperate for them to get together, Felicity Heaton makes you wait a long time before anything happens between them but believe me it is more than worth the wait!

Lauren and Julian also have help from an organisation called Ghost that was formed to help keep the balance between humans and demons.  The 5 members of ghost that are helping them - Duke, Astra, Piper, Kuga and Leo - all have very distinct personalities and very different abilities that will come in useful when they take on Lycaon and his werewolves.  I liked each of the team members but Piper, Kuga and Leo were particular favorites.  The banter and friendship between them all really added to the story but at one point a betrayal almost broke my heart.  I can't say any more without giving spoilers but just make sure you have tissues to hand when you're reading.

The mythology and world building is well done and enjoyable to read. Love Immortal will play on every emotion as you're reading it and I really hope that Felicity Heaton will re-visit this world and these characters again in the future.  I'm sure there is more to learn about each of the characters and I would like to see each of them get their own happy ending in the future.  If you like your paranormal romance with plenty of action this is definitely a story you need to get hold of.

Source: Received free from the author in exchange for an honest review

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  1. I absolutely love the cover. Not read any of Heaton's books, so really pleased to find a new author.

  2. It is great to see some adult authors being reviewed as part of BBC. Lovely review Sarah.

  3. Sarah,
    Another nice review. I like that Julian seems ready to do what it takes to protect Laurne. You explained it well.

  4. @ Vivienne - Felicity has some fab covers doesn't she! I'd definitely recommend giving her a try if you like paranormal romance, she is a fab author :o)

    @ Becky - I don't seem to have many adult authors on my to read pile but I was thinking I might have to find a few more for the challenge!

    @ Mike - Thanks, I'm glad you liked the review
