
Thursday 21 April 2011

Author Amber Benson reading from Serpent's Storm

So I stumbled across a link to this video on Twitter a couple of weeks ago and it had me laughing so much that I ordered all 3 books in author Amber Benson's Calliope Reaper-Jones series.  The reading is from Serpent's Storm (the third book in the series) and be warned it does contain adult only content.  It's hilarious watching Amber trying to keep a straight face when reading one of the more naughty scenes from the book - I guess that is one of the hazards of writing books for adults.  I did share the link on Twitter but had to post it here in case any of you missed it.  If you'd like to find out more about the series you can check out Amber Benson's website here.

Book 1 - Death's Daughter:

Daddy's Little Girl

For the last few years I'd been in a state of bliss - living under a self-imposed Forgetting Charm, because I so did not want to go into the family business.  What I wanted was a glamerous career in New York City and the opportunity for a normal life - buying designer shoes on sale, dating guys from craigslist, Web surfing for organic dim sum for my boss.  And then my father's Executive Assistand, a faun named Jarvis, showed up to to tell me that my dad had been kidnapped.

Good-bye, Forgetting Charm.  Hello, (unwanted) responsibility.  Not only am I expected to step into the CEO slot on the company Board, but I have to "prove my worth" by competing against the Devil's protege - who's so hot in more ways than one.  The contest involves finding three (why is it always three?) objects of power.  In Hell.

One of them is this adorable puppy - who happens to be a hellhound.  The others are turning out to be not much fun.  All this so I can take (unwanted) charge of Death, Inc.

My name is Calliope Reaper-Jones, and I'm . . . Death's Daughter

Book 2 - Cat's Claw:

My name is Calliope Reaper-Jones.  I'm just like any other working girl in New York City - stuck in a boring job, barely making rent, coveting every expensive fashion accessory I see but can't afford.

I know what you're thinking: "Callie, your dad is the head of Death, Inc.  You can afford those accessories."  But there's more to running the family business than wielding cosmic power over life and death.  Cubicle hell is nothing compared to the real thing.  Trust me on this.  So I've tried to stay clear of it.

But no matter how far I walk toward a normal life in my (bought-on-sale) Manolos, I keep getting dragged back into the paranormal world.  Now Cerberus, the three-headed dog that guards the gates of Hell, wants me to repay a debt I owe him, which means a trip to Purgatory, Las Vegas, ancient Egypt - and a discount department store.  The things a girl has to do when she's Death's Daughter!

Book 3 - Serpent's Storm:

My entire name is Calliope Reaper-Jones, but you can call me Callie.  Please!  Like many a young woman before me, I've chosen to go out on my own in New York City, working my way up in the magazine world, living paycheck to paycheck, buying only the new shoes I absolutely must have.

Of course, having a superhot boyfriend does make it all the more bearable.  Even if he isn't entirely human.  After all, I'm Death's Daughter, so I'm not one to critisise.

But once again, my efforts to lead a normal life have gone bye-bye, thanks to my older sister, Thalia.  She's made a deal with the devil himself - and all that's standing between him and a takeover of the Reaper family business (which would be tres bad for mortals) is . . . me.

When I first found out, I wasn't too worried.  I've already kicked Thalia's butt once.  But I was wrong.  She and the Devil have a secret weapon - someone very close to me, someone very dangerous.

This time, it is way personal . . .

I don't know about the rest of you but I think this sounds like a great series, I'm about to get stuck into Death's Daughter so I'll get my review posted as soon as I can.

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