
Sunday 16 December 2012

All I want for Christmas is . . . gift ideas for book lovers if you don't want to buy books

So people have been asking me for weeks what I'd like for Christmas & I can always come up with a selection of books for them to choose from but what about those people who think I have way too many books already or who want to give something else as a gift? That's where it gets much harder! Anyway, while I've been scouring the internet looking for things to add to my wish list I've found some fabulous book related products that I thought I'd share here in case you still need some ideas for yourself or other book lovers in your lives.

First I want to look at a couple of ideas that are twists on the traditional use for a book. I've mentioned the Spineless Classics poster range before (see my blog post here) but they have just added 2 more books to their range that I'm particularly excited about. These posters contain the full text from the book so you can actually read the story while it's hanging on your wall!

That's two more of my favourite books they've now added to their range, at this rate I'll have to wallpaper my whole house in these posters to have room to display all the ones I'd like to buy! They have also just announced the release of Life of Pi so if that is one of your favourites make sure you look out for it. You can see the full range of posters available at the Spineless Classics website here.

Now what about unusual ways to use a normal book? Make sure you check out Luciana Frigerio's shop on Etsy called A World of Paper where she creates custom folded books with the letters or words of your choice. You can see a couple of example pictures below but the choices are endless if you let your imagination run riot and I think these would make a fabulous addition to any bookcase!

What do you think? Aren't they wonderful! Now another shop that I adore on Etsy is Novel Creations. One day I will invest in one of these bags because I've been admiring them from afar for a long time now! It almost feels like sacrilege to destroy a book but when the results are as good as this I can't resist.

I think my favourite is the Dracula bag but you must check out the shop because they have a huge selection and they update the range regularly. Now we've seen books made into bags but what about a bag made just for your book? Whimsy Woo Designs have a fantastic selection of custom made bags and covers for books, ereaders and iPads but I think my favourite is this owl patterned book bag, it even comes with a cute built in bookmark:

So now you have a way to protect your book when you're out and about what about somewhere to keep it overnight? If you're anything like me then some nights you end so caught up in a book that you keep reading until you can hardly keep your eyes open. For those nights when you don't even have the energy to put your bookmark back in before you fall asleep this lamp will make sure you don't lose your page.

The Literary Gift Company sell this lamp along with loads of other fab book related products so if you've not seen the website before you should check it out now.

So what do you think? Are there any items that you'll be adding to your wish list? Or do you have any recommendations for book related products that you think I should check out?

Just to let you all know I have not been paid in any way for this blog post and I don't own any of the products mentioned. The images are linked directly to the websites where I found them and the links underneath will take you to the page where you can buy them from.


  1. I love the book protecting bag thing so, so much! Major wants! Great post, Sarah :)

  2. So cool. Very original ideas. I want one of those book protector bags. :D

  3. Oh I love posts like these :) I have a Novel Creations bag and I absolutely love it.

  4. I adore "window shopping" on Etsy. I thank you for highlighting some awesome new stores, my credit card does not ;)

  5. @ Sophie - I love that book bag too, they have loads of different designs but there is something about the owls that I'm finding very hard to resist!

    @ barmybex - the book protector bags are obviously very popular - I think they're a fantastic idea though :o)

    @ Clover - I'm soooooo jealous you have a Novel Creations bag Michelle! Which book do you have? One day I'm going to give in and order one LOL

    @ Caroline - I try not to go on Etsy often because it would be easy to spend a fortune but they have some absolutely amazing things on there. I apologise to your credit card though (well not really LOL)
