
Friday 7 December 2012

Review: One Fine Fireman - Jennifer Bernard

Kirk, aka Thor, one of San Gabriel’s infamous Bachelor Firemen, certainly lives up to his nickname. He’s tall, handsome, and has a chiseled body worthy of any Viking god. But he’d give it all up for one glance from her.

Sweet, shy Maribel has no idea he’s been pining for her. There’s nothing he’d like better than to sweep her off her feet and show her just how exquisite their love could be. But Kirk has a secret and he won’t let anyone get close, least of all the sexiest woman he’s ever met.

Can a feisty little dog and an even feistier little boy help these star-crossed lovers to find the true love they both so richly deserve?

Bachelor Firemen of San Gabriel Series:
One Fine Fireman (Novella)
The Fireman Who Loved Me
Hot for Fireman
Sex and the Single Fireman (January 2013)

Visit Jennifer Bernard's website for more information

So before I start this review I guess I'd better make a confession - the main reason I wanted to read this book was the cover. I mean come on - the picture is of a half naked, extremely hot fireman and he's holding a puppy! - what's not to love about that? My love of a sexy cover has got me in trouble quite a few times in the past though when the contents of the book don't manage to live up to my expectations so I'm very happy to say that isn't the case with this one. Even the book title fits perfectly because I can tell you right now that Kirk is One Fine Fireman! This was my introduction to Jennifer Bernard's writing and I can tell you now I'm already hooked on this series, in fact I'm planning on starting the next book, The Fireman who Loved me, as soon as I finish writing this review.

Fireman Kirk (known as Thor to his colleagues thanks to his Viking like good looks) has had a crush on waitress Maribel for years. His crush is well known about by the other firemen, in fact his attraction to her is the only reason they visit the coffee shop where she works, but they tease him mercilessly because he has never had the courage to act on his attraction towards her. Maribel has always found herself drawn to Kirk but shyness and the small matter of her engagement to another man has stopped her from ever doing anything about it. It wasn't until Kirk's absence from the shop for the last few months that she realised just how much she looked forward to his visits though. Kirk had his reasons for staying away from the coffee shop, and even now he is preparing to move across the country and knows there is no chance of anything happening between him and Maribel but thanks to a young boy, an abandoned dog and an arson attack the pair find themselves spending more time together than ever before. Can they both put their shyness and reservations to one side for long enough to realise how perfect they are for each other?

I thoroughly enjoyed One Fine Fireman, considering this is a novella Jennifer Bernard did a brilliant job of creating three dimensional characters that I cared about and wanted to see have their happy ending. Both Kirk and Maribel have their vulnerabilities but at the same time they are fighters, they have been through tough times but come out stronger on the other side and they both have a lot of love to offer. I found it absolutely hilarious the way they both got so shy and tongue tied around each other, their stuttered and stilted conversations were extremely cute and had me laughing out loud numerous times. Add in Maribel's adorable nine year old son Pete and Hagrid the dog and I just couldn't put the story down.

This was a great introduction to the series, I loved what I saw of the rest of the firemen and I'm excited that the next two books are already available and even better they're both full length novels. If the author can make me love a novella this much then I have extremely high hopes for a longer story! If you're looking for a romance that is sweet, funny but also very steamy then this is a great place to start and I can't recommend One Fine Fireman highly enough.

Source: Received from the publisher via Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review

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