
Monday 1 December 2014

British Books Challenge - Link your December Reviews

November Winner:

The November prize was sponsored by Walker and they offered a fantastic prize pack of books signed by the lovely Zoe MarriottThe Night ItselfDarkness HiddenShadows on the Moon, The Swan KingdomDaughter of the Flames and Frostfire.

I'm very happy to announce that the lucky winner of this fabulous prize is:

Congratulations Chrissi! You have 1 week to email me with your address or a new winner will be chosen. By sending me your address you are agreeing that I can share your details with my lovely contact at Walker so that they can send out the prize pack for you.

December Prize Pack:

I've decided to sponsor the December prize pack myself so that I can make sure the giveaway is open for our international participants as well as the British ones. I've decided to let the winner choose any book of their choice from The Book Depository (up to a maximum value of £7) as long as the book is written by a British author. It can be an old book or a new release, even a pre-order of a 2015 title you're excited about (as long as you're happy to wait for the prize to arrive!), any genre, any age range, absolutely anything goes as long as the author is British!

One winner will be picked at random from the list of valid reviews submitted each month and will be announced in the following month's review link up post. The winner will then have 1 week to contact me to claim their prize or a new winner will be chosen. Obviously the more reviews you enter the greater your chance of winning but it doesn't matter if you only review one book (or even skip a month or two in the challenge!) you'll still be entered for each review you do write. This months giveaway is open internationally as long as The Book Depository offers free shipping to your country (you can find a list of countries included here)

Important Information:
  1. Please make sure you sign up for the challenge before you start linking your reviews, I will delete links from people who aren't registered. You can sign up HERE if you haven't already.
  2. When you add your link to the Mr. Linky below please make sure you link directly to your review, not just to your blog (invalid links will be deleted)
  3. Books must have been read in 2014 to count towards the challenge so those books you read in December but reviewed in January don't count!
  4. Also, please make sure that the reviews you link are for books written by British Authors - they can be born in Britain (living here or abroad) or they can be adopted British Authors (who were born elsewhere and now live here) but if they don't fit into one of those categories then they don't count. (as above invalid links will be deleted and won't get you an entry into the prize pack). Please note that Britain includes England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, I'm afraid authors from Southern Ireland don't count.
  5. If you need ideas for books by British Authors check out the FAQ page for lots of suggestions. You don't have to choose books from these lists though - they are just to give you ideas if you need help!
Link Your Reviews:

Now for the important part, make sure you link all of your reviews using the Mr. Linky form below. In the Your Name field please include your blog name, the title of the book and the author. Make sure the link takes me directly to your review or your entry won't count and will be deleted from the list.

2015 British Books Challenge:

It's that time of the year when it's time to start thinking about which 2015 challenges you want to sign up for. While I've absolutely loved hosting the British Books Challenge for the last two years, and I hope you've all enjoyed taking part with me, it's time for me to pass the baton over to another blogger and I'm thrilled to announce that Michelle from Fluttering Butterflies will be hosting the challenge for 2015.

I'll definitely be signing up to take part in the challenge & I'm quite looking forward to being a normal participant again (and getting to enter for the chance to win the prize packs!) so I hope you'll all be joining me. You can find all the detail and the sign up page on Michelle's blog HERE.


  1. It's been a fun challenge this year, I managed 13 books so far for this event. Definitely signing up for next year's challenge.

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed taking part & that you're joining again next year Tina :o) I've loved hosting the challenge & meeting lots of new (to me!) bloggers

  2. It's been wonderful having you, Sarah. Especially stepping up as you have to ensure, not only that Canadians etc are eligible for prizes. Non-'YA' fans (being age 42!) thank you greatly for this option, that lets us choose. You KNOW I have awaited this month excitedly and saved all of my reviews all year! So here they come!

    I also look forward to guests of my own 3 reading themes, which I'll shortly review for 2015. They run February to February, against any Christmas rush. Time to breathe ~ LOL! For now, I invite book fans to a tour of my home. I read real books only and wondered where other physical-readers put theirs, or if they would be keen on seeing mine. I smile at every comment that comes in, so whether you share photos with me or not; I'd love hearing from any of you! Merry Christmas to all of you, from Manitoba! Carolyn.

    1. I'm glad you've enjoyed taking part Carolyn! I don't tend to take part in many challenges each year but I'll have a look at the ones you're organising & see if I can fit another one into my schedule :o)

  3. #6 didn't fit. If we use as my name (C. Riedel), we can show the author: Russell Hoban. Thank you. For any interested in my "British Books" post, it's here. I don't know what it is with my subscribers silently sneaking off but comments would make me smile very much!

    1. Don't worry too much about the wording on the entry above, I know it's sometimes impossible to fit blog details, the author name and the book title in there :o) Just put in as much as you can and as long as it links to the correct post on your blog I'll be able to figure it out.

  4. Ack! One can't see how an entry turns out until its through. In #18, please use (C. Riedel) so author Marian Babson comes out. In #19, remove my name entirely and fix the typo in "Phantom". The author is Christine Pullein-Thompson.

    I just noticed by your thumbnail: you are the Sarah with whom I conversed at Goodreads yesterday! You must know one way or another that I love cats. I lost one of my far too soon 4 months ago. His eulogy and photograph are here (as well as on my second book stash post).

    1. I don't think I can actually edit the links once you've entered them. I think you should be able to delete entries you add yourself but don't worry if you can't. Like I said before errors happen in the linky posts & it's not the end of the world as long as they link to the right review on your blog :o) You can always let me know about any errors in the comments though so I know what I'm looking for.

      I'm sorry to hear about your cat, they're part of the family so it hurts to lose them :o(

  5. Thank you for hosting, Sarah!
    I've enjoyed my years of participation -
    [glad I actually could complete this year after last year's unexpected halt.]
    Will look forward to seeing you at Michelle's...
    HapPy Christmas!

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed taking part Faith, I've loved hosting the challenge and it's one I'm looking forward to taking part in again on Michelle's blog so I'll look forward to chatting with you over there :o)

      I hope you've had a wonderful Christmas & that 2015 is a brilliant year!

  6. Sarah, if you don't have time to fit cut-off names as suggested in my comments above; I'd at least be grateful to have the typo corrected in #19: "Phantom Horse" with an "M". Happy new year 2015 to everyone and may I find eager faces in my own challenges, returning next year! Yours truly, Carolyn of RIEDEL Fascination.

    1. Hi Carolyn, sorry for the delayed replies, this has been a crazy busy month & I'm a bit behind responding to comments. I don't have a way to edit links that have been posted so I'm afraid I can't make the changes you mentioned but don't worry too much, people will still be able to click through to your reviews so it won't cause any major issues. Happy New Year (almost!)

  7. Sarah, if you don't have time to fit cut-off names as per my comments; I'd be grateful to have the typo corrected in #19: "Phantom Horse" with an "M". Happy new year 2015 to everyone and may I find eager faces in my challenges, returning next year! Yours truly, Carolyn of RIEDEL Fascination.

  8. Thank you, Sarah, for taking the time to reply to everything. Most especially regrding my dear cat. My challenges are very flexible. That paranormal angle you're doing for instance;. ALL mystical subjects fit into one I have, called "Ethereal"! :-) Lastly, I'm looking around for the December winner but don't see it announced. If chosen, let it be shown I've been trying to act on it. Carolyn.
