
Thursday 19 March 2015

Winner: Chicagoland Vampires Swag Pack - Chloe Neill

I have some winners to announce today with the help of Rafflecopter and you have won a Chicgaoland Vampires Series Swag Pack by Chloe Neill!

Without further ado I'm happy to announce that the winner is:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Congratulations Paula! I have sent you an email asking for your address and you now have 1 week to respond or a new winner/s will be chosen. I will be sending the prize pack myself so your details won't be passed on to anyone.

Thanks so much to Chloe Neill for sponsoring this giveaway & thanks to everyone who entered. I'm sorry if you didn't win but I'll have more giveaways coming up soon so make sure you check back for another chance to win prizes.


  1. Congrats to the Paula and thanks for the chance to win. ;)

    1. You're welcome :o) Good luck for the next giveaway you enter Kinga!

    2. Hi, I am Paula Gwynne and did not receive an email about winning. Can't you contact me re prize. I do hope I am not to late?

    3. I'm really sorry Paula but you weren't the winner, I already contacted the winner and they replied with their address so the prize pack has been posted. I can only assume that there were two people called Paula who entered the giveaway - Rafflecopter gives me the email address for the winner so I know I contacted the right person. I still have a couple of other giveaways going on though so feel free to enter those & good luck if you do.
