
Monday 21 March 2016

Review: Pack - Jeaniene Frost

**Previously published in the Mammoth Book of Paranormal Romance and the Under Her Skin anthologies—now updated to include over 20% more sizzling extra material**

Lost in the woods . . .
Marlee Peters is tired of putting her dreams on hold, so when her friends can’t continue on a long- anticipated hike of Yellowstone National Park, she goes on without them. But Marlee isn’t alone in the woods; she’s being hunted by a pack of frighteningly intelligent wolves. When a fight for survival takes an impossible turn, Marlee realizes that the enigmatic stranger who saves her might either be her dream come true . . . or her waking nightmare.

Big, bad wolf . . .
As the pack’s enforcer, Daniel is sworn to keep the existence of werewolves a secret. He knows that Marlee’s bites may change her life in a way she can’t imagine, but if they don’t, he can’t let her tell others about his race. Yet Marlee is awakening Daniel’s most primal urges, and soon, neither one of them will be able to resist the call of the wild . . .

Visit Jeaniene Frost's website for more information

Pack is a short story that was originally published in the Mammoth Book of Paranormal Romance (back in 2009) and has apparently been updated and added to before it was re-released as a stand alone ebook. I can't confirm how much has changed because I never read the original but I have to admit that this isn't Jeaniene Frost's best work.

It's not a terrible story but it's only around 50 pages long so there isn't much time for character development, especially considering this isn't set in a world we're familiar with and is actually the author's first attempt at writing about werewolves. I didn't dislike the story but I can't say it was particularly memorable, there is definitely potential here and if the author said she was going to write more books in this world then I'd happily buy them but I think we needed a longer story to give us time to connect with the characters.

I'm not sure whether to recommend this or not, if you just want something quick to read then it isn't a bad way to spend 20 minutes but if you're looking for something with a bit more depth then there are plenty of other options available.

Source: Purchased

Other Reviews:
If you have reviewed this book on your blog please leave a link to your review in the comments & I'll add the link here.



  1. I have this book, but I haven't read it yet. Reading a book that is only 50 pages long is difficult, especially if it isn't set in an existing world. As a stand alone story, you have world build, character build and tell a story. It is really hard to do that in 50 pages. If this was set in Cat & Bones world, you could drop most of the world and character building and go straight to the story and it would be easier. Sorry this one wasn't that good for you. I might read it. Like you said, when you need something really quick between reads.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Rabid Reads

    1. I think it would have been easier to dive into a story this length if it was in a familiar world but it was still pretty good for a quick read. I like to have a few shorts on hand for those times when you don't want to get sucked into a full length book :-) I hope you enjoy this one when you get around to it!

  2. I have never heard of this, but it looks interesting. I really like Frost's Night Huntress series, so this might be something worth checking out. Do you know if it belongs to a different series, or if she's looking to expand on characters she portrays here? Thanks for sharing!

    1. There aren't any other stories set in this world at the moment Alyssa so it's currently a stand alone. I'm sure I saw a blog post from Jeaniene saying she would quite like to write about werewolves again but I'm sure she'd said that she would change the world slightly from this one so it wouldn't be part of the same series. That may have changed though so it's worth keeping an eye on her blog for updates! I hope you enjoy this if you give it a try :-)
