
Friday 16 December 2016

Cover Reveal: Iron Gold - Pierce Brown

I think anyone who knows me knows what a huge fan I am of Pierce Brown's Red Rising trilogy. I absolutely adore those books and I've been desperately waiting for more information on the new spin off trilogy ever since it was announced. Today Entertainment Weekly have revealed the gorgeous cover so of course I had to share it with you here.

Just look at it! Isn't it stunning! I just can't bloodydamn wait to get my hands on this book!

The full blurb isn't available yet but this is the current description on Amazon:

Pierce Brown expands the size and scope of his #1 New York Times bestselling Red Rising series with a brand-new adventure of revolution and betrayal among the stars.

Make sure you check out the interview with Pierce on the Entertainment Weekly site for more information but the great news is that he's confirmed there will be four narrators: Darrow and someone else we've already met (I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Sevro!) and two new characters. I'm excited to see how far the world has been expanded, let's face it the original trilogy was already pretty huge but it sounds like we're going to get to explore lots of new worlds and meet exciting new characters too. The book is set 10 years on from the end of Morning Star and now that we've seen Darrow and friends break society we're going to get to watch them try to rebuild it.

August 2017 can't get here soon enough! I've already pre-ordered my copy :o)

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