
Sunday 7 May 2017

My 3000th Blog Post Celebration (with international giveaway!)

When I first started my blog on the 1st of January 2010 I honestly never expected to still be here nearly seven and a half years later. I'd never heard of the book blogging community but I'd had a personal blog for a few years and I so when I was looking for a way of keeping track of the books I'd read a blog seemed like the easiest option. That was back in the days before I discovered Goodreads too & to be honest if I'd found that site first Feeling Fictional probably wouldn't have ever existed!

I'm so grateful to have had this outlet in my life though, the UKYA blogging community welcomed me with open arms and I made so many friends both in the UK and across the world thanks to a shared love of books. I've had so many wonderful experiences thanks to this blog, from publisher events to afternoon tea at the ritz and even spending a night at Hogwarts I've been so incredibly lucky and I'm thankful to the wonderful bloggers, publicists and authors I've had the chance to meet and work with over the years. Thank you all for reading my blog posts, for interacting with me on Goodreads or Twitter, for sending me review books, for inviting me to events and just for opening my world up to books that I'd probably never have discovered on my own.

As this will be the 3000th post to go live on my blog I thought it would be fun to look at a few random stats before I get to the giveaway! So here goes...

Feeling Fictional Stats:
  • 7 years 4 months 7 days
  • 3000 Blog Posts
  • 1,954 Book Reviews
  • Aprox 2000 Followers (across Blogger, Google +, Blog Lovin & Feedburner)
  • 1,818,680 Page Views
  • Let's just repeat that last one, 1.8 MILLION Page Views!

It really has been an incredibly journey and I'm hoping this is only the beginning! I just can't imagine not having this blog anymore, some months may be slower than others but it's such a huge part of me now that I wouldn't know what to do without it.

So now I'm done with shocking myself with the figures let's get to the all important giveaway!


To celebrate I'm giving one winner a book of their choice from the Book Depository (to a maximum value of £10). The giveaway is open internationally as long as you're living in a country where they offer free shipping (you can check your location against the list here to be sure you're eligible).

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Congratulations! I can't believe you've hit 3000 posts! Well done for keep going for so long - while my own blog died a few years ago I still keep coming back to read yours regularly. Keep going for as long as you enjoy it! :-)

    1. Thanks Mel! I never expected to still be blogging seven years on but I'm quite proud of my achievement LOL. I'm glad you're still around reading blogs even if you're not updating yours anymore! I think sometimes we all need to take a break from things so who knows you might decide to go back to it one day :-)

  2. Yay for blogging because it meant we get to hang out :)

    1. It's weird to think that without our blogs we'd never have met! Then who would encourage my HP addiction? LOL

  3. CONGRATULATIONS!! That's impressive.

  4. Thank you so much for the wonderful giveaway! Congrats on 1 million pageviews :-)
    Rafflecopter name: Megan S.

    1. Thanks Megan, that number still feels very surreal!

  5. What a great achievement. Congrats! :)

  6. Wow Sarah! Congrats! 1.8 MILLION! Keep up the good work :*

    1. I'm still shocked about that Aly! How the hell did that happen? LOL

  7. Congratulations on your milestones.Great numbers.

  8. That is incredible lovely. Huge congratulations x

  9. omg! that's just incredible! Congrats!!!

  10. Congratulations on so, so, so many posts, Sarah! What an incredible milestone to reach! After more than seven years of blogging, I can't even imagine the amount of fantastic experiences you must have had, meeting new people from different places, reading tons of books and having so much fun! My best wishes for you and Feeling Fictional! ♥ ♥

    1. Thanks Antonela, blogging has brought so many wonderful experiences & I've met so many wonderful people because of it :o) Let's see if I'm still around in another 7 years to hit 6000 blog posts LOL

  11. That's amazing!!! Congratulations on such incredible stats!!! :D :D
