
Monday 6 June 2011

Review: Silent Storm - Vivian Arend

In the months they’ve traveled together, Laurin Marshall and Matt Jentry’s attraction has grown beyond spectacular sexual passion to into a deeper emotional connection. Still, Laurin wrestles with one last question: how a water shifter and an air shifter can possibly find permanent common ground.

Matt is content to wait patiently for Laurin to realize he has no desire to change her sky-borne nature. Until a giant golden eagle touches down on the Stormchild and tips the delicate balance of more than just the boat.

Laurin’s obvious affection for the newcomer comes as a shock. And so does the flash of jealousy that interferes with his shamanic ability to heal the man’s malady. While Matt struggles to balance his conflicted responsibilities, Laurin attempts to reconcile her undeniable feelings for one of her kind with her desire for Matt.

Somewhere between the ocean depths and the mountaintops, they need to find a love strong enough to call
them both home to the Stormchild.

Warning: Familiar lovers (hot) with old rivals (hotter) and a wild curse-melting ménage (hottest yet). Get ready for one exotic paranormal that will make you look to the skies and sea with longing.

Pacific Passion Series:
Stormy Seduction
Silent Storm

Visit Vivian Arend's website for more information

Matt & Laurin's relationship is going from strength to strength and they both have strong feelings for each other but Laurin is holding something back.  As much as she has come to care for Matt she is worried about the differences between them and feels a responsibility towards her own people.  When an old friend turns up looking for Laurin's help they are both torn.  Matt knows as shaman it is his duty to help break the curse placed on Kellan but his jealousy threatens to get in the way.  Laurin is attracted to Kallen but feels like she is betraying Matt but how can she leave her friend to his fate?  Can they find a way to resolve things that won't put their relationship at risk.

Silent Storm is the last story in the Pacific Passion series but probably the hottest one yet.  I'll admit I've not read a lot of menage stories and I was a bit worried about the effect that it would have on Matt and Laurin's relationship but it managed to show them both how much they really loved each other.  I enjoyed the way both characters have different inner struggles going on but are able to work through their issues together and become a stronger couple because of it.  Kallen was an interesting addition to the series and I would quite like to read a spin off series telling his story.  He came to Laurin and Matt because he knew they were the only ones who could help him but he didn't want to pressure either of them and I respected him for that. 

I would recommend reading this series in order but erotic paranormal romance fans should definitely give it a try, they are short, very steamy reads that are sure to get your pulse racing!  Although the story is rounded off nicely I feel that there is definitely scope for Vivian Arend to re-visit this couple in the future and I'll be first in the queue to buy the next book if she does decide to write one.

Source: Received free from the author in exchange for an honest review

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