
Friday 27 May 2016

Review: For 100 Days - Lara Adrian (+ Giveaway)

Pleasure has a price . . .

Just when everything in my life is falling apart, I find a chance to turn it around--to step into someone else's glittering world, if only for a little while. I become someone new, no longer the woman defined by an ugly past, but a woman freer and bolder than myself. A woman who isn't afraid to explore every passion, even at its darkest, with a mysterious and seductive man who believes my mask is real.

Handsome and commanding, enigmatic and irresistible, billionaire Dominic Baine is an obsession I cannot afford and should not risk. He ushers me into consuming new pleasures and addicting new desires, until the line between my real life and the fantasy one I've stolen with him begins to blur.

I know I cannot keep my truth from him. I know my past will not stay buried forever. But before I can make it right, everything comes crashing down. I have deceived this powerful, dangerous man . . . and now there is a price to be paid.

100 Series:
For 100 Days
For 100 Nights
For 100 Reasons

100 Series Standalone Romances:
(These stories are set in the same world as the 100 Series but can be read completely separately with each book featuring a HEA for a different couple)
Run To You
Play My Game

Visit Lara Adrian's website for more information

I'm a massive fan of Lara Adrian's Midnight Breed series (I love it so much that I even have a Breedmate tattoo!) and she's one of my favourite authors so of course I'm going to want to read anything new she comes out with. For 100 Days is the start of a brand new trilogy and it's a big departure from her paranormal or historical romances but don't let that put you off because it's still a wonderful story. The heat levels have been ramped all the way up and I think this might just be Lara's sexiest book yet!

Avery is a struggling artist who works six days a week as a bartender to make ends meet. Her life is going from bad to worse though - she's about to be evicted from her apartment because she can't afford a rent increase and her paintings have just been pulled from a prestigious gallery after the owner decided they weren't good enough. Things start to look up when she is offered the chance of housesitting for one of her customers and she suddenly finds herself living in an upscale apartment and crossing paths with gorgeous billionaire Nick. Avery knows that she can never risk a serious relationship, she has far too many secrets for that, but she can't resist the pull Nick has on her and they end up embarking on a passionate affair.

I really loved Avery's character, she's just a normal girl who is struggling to make her way in life and she's the kind of woman you can imagine being friends with. She obviously has major secrets but we're kept in the dark about a lot of the details until towards the end of the book, there are enough hints for us to make some informed guesses though and we can definitely see the affect her past has had on her. She finds it very hard to trust people and let them in and apart from one close friend from work she pretty much keeps to herself. She also has such a tight hold on her emotions that it's affecting her artwork and I think we're going to get the chance to see her really learn to open up in all kinds of ways as the series continues.

Nick is still quite a mystery, Avery isn't the only one who has secrets but because the story is told from her point of view we have very little insight into what's going on in Nick's head. In a lot of ways he's a typical billionaire, he enjoys the high life and has all the best things that money can buy, but at the same time he's not quite as work obsessed as some of the fictional billionaires I've come across. He seems to have a pretty good work/life balance and he's happy to put Avery's needs first which is something I liked about him. I loved the way he seems to see through Avery's tough outer shell and sense that she's quite vulnerable inside and I especially liked the way he handled things at the end when some of her secrets start to come out into the open.

If I have one complaint it was that I didn't like the way Avery told Nick so many lies about herself, I can completely understand her keeping her big secrets but she was less than honest about a lot of little things too. I could get why she didn't correct his assumptions when she just thought it was going to be a one night stand but didn't think she needed to carry on lying about things like her job when it started to get more serious between them. She did come clean in the end but I'm hoping she'll have learned her lesson there and be more honest with him in the future, especially after the way things ended!

For 100 Days is an incredibly hot read, Avery and Nick have off the charts chemistry and I loved that Nick was so alpha and in control without being overly possessive and jealous. They're a fantastic couple and there is actually surprisingly little drama between them which made a refreshing change. The conflict so far has come from outside sources and it looks like things are about to step up a gear so I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of For 100 Nights and see what happens next.

Source: Received from publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Other Reviews:
If you have reviewed this book on your blog please leave a link to your review in the comments & I'll add the link here.

Paperback / Kindle:

In case you missed it earlier this week I posted an extract from For 100 Days that you can read HERE.

You can also still enter the blog tour giveaway below:


To celebrate the release of For 100 Days Lara Adrian is giving fans a chance to win a signed copy as well as a stainless steel Midnight Breed tumbler. You can enter the giveaway using the rafflecopter form below, the winner will be announced via the widget and contacted directly by Lara or her assitant to arrange sending out the prize.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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