
Tuesday 10 December 2013

Review: Cursed by Destiny - Cecy Robson + International Giveaway for a SIGNED copy of the book!

Celia Wird and her three sisters are just like other 20-something girls—with one tiny exception: they're products of a backfired curse that has given each of them unique powers that make them, well, weird . . .

Celia’s a girl in trouble. Her heart is bound to Aric, but he is a pureblood were who must deny her or risk condemning his species to extinction. And that’s just her love life. She’s also been called to take down a group of demon terrorists looking to overthrow the paranormal world. (No pressure.)

In order to bring them down, Celia must ally herself to Misha, the master vampire who has made no secret of his desire for her.

And if that weren't enough misfortune for one girl, a clairvoyant’s prediction could destroy Celia and Aric's love for good. The only way to protect the world from unbridled supernatural terrorism is for Celia to bind herself to her destined mate. And that doesn't appear to be Aric . . .

Weird Girls Series:
Gone Hunting
A Curse Awakened (Novella)
The Weird Girls (Novella)
Sealed with a Curse
A Cursed Embrace
A Cursed Moon (Novella)
Cursed by Destiny
A Cursed Bloodline
A Curse Unbroken
Of Flame and Promise
Of Flame and Light
Of Flame and Fate
Of Flame and Fury

Visit Cecy Robson's website for more information.

Please note that although this review won't contain spoilers for Cursed by Destiny it will include spoilers for previous books in the series.

Celia is devastated after Aric left her and his fast approaching wedding to another pureblood were isn't making her feel any happier. She can't stay living at home with her sisters surrounded by Aric's warriors but she can't be on her own thanks to the demons who are constantly trying to take her out so she has no other option but to accept Misha's offer of sanctuary. To take her mind off her broken heart Celia is focusing on learning better control of her powers and training to become as fast and strong as possible. For some reason the Tribe seem to be gunning for her and she is going to need every skill she can gain if she wants to have a chance of winning against them. Luckily she will always have her sisters at her back, they may not be living with her but they'd never leave her unprotected.

I have become a massive fan of the Weird Girls series since I first started reading it so have been eagerly waiting for this instalment, especially after Aric's actions during the last book! I still don't think I've fully recovered from the emotional roller coaster A Cursed Embrace took me on and Cecy Robson wasn't done with me yet! Cursed by Destiny was just as action packed as the previous books, in fact I think things have moved up a gear when it comes to the Tribe and the battles that Celia and her sisters are facing. Nobody is safe but Celia seems to be their main target and they are sending all the big guns in her direction. She doesn't have time to sit and cry over her broken heart, she's far too busy trying to stay alive!

I've never been a huge fan of Misha, I always felt he was creepy and I never really believed that he cared about Celia but I have to say he really grew on me in this book. We see a more protective side of him and it was nice that Celia had someone to rely on to help her. I still don't see them as a couple though so I'm happy to say I'm still on Team Aric! I do enjoy watching Celia spend time with the vampires though, the Catholic Schoolgirls always make me laugh with the outrageous things they come out with and I appreciate the way Misha pushes Celia when it comes to her training.

It's no secret that Aric's actions shocked and horrified me in the last book, he broke my heart right alongside Celia's and I still haven't forgiven him for that. I do feel like I have a better understanding for his actions after this book though, I do wish he'd done things differently and I'm still waiting for him to completely redeem himself but I've never once wanted Celia to give up on him. I just have to believe that they will find a way to be together, that after everything they've been through things will turn out right in the long run. It seems like a happy ending is a long way off though so I guess I'm going to have to learn some patience. There were times when I wanted to give Aric a good kick and tell him to buck his ideas up but he does make some steps in the right direction, let's just hope this continues in the next book.

There are so many things I want to talk about but I can't because I don't want to give spoilers. If you're already a fan of the series you're going to love Cursed by Destiny, it has all the humour, action and romance you'd expect plus so much more. I have really come to care about these characters and after the way things ended I can't wait for the next book! This is an auto-buy series for me and one I can't recommend highly enough.

Source: Received from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

Other Reviews:
If you have reviewed this book on your blog please leave a link to your review in the comments & I'll add the link here.


International Giveaway Details:

Prize Pack (will be sent along with a signed copy of Cursed by Destiny)

I'm thrilled to be taking part in the blog tour to celebrate the release of Cursed by Destiny and thanks to Cecy Robson I'm hosting a fabulous giveaway so that one of my readers will be able to win a signed copy of Cursed by Destiny along with a swag pack (containing a bookmark, magnet and lip balm). Cecy is offering a giveaway at each stop on the blog tour so you can enter as many of the giveaways as you like to increase your chances of winning (find a list of all the tours tops on Cecy's website here).
  • Courtesy of Cecy Robson I have 1 SIGNED paperback copy of Cursed by Destiny along with a swag pack to giveaway to a lucky winner (giveaway is open internationally).
  • The winner's prize will be sent out directly by Cecy Robson so the winner must give me permission to pass their address on.
  • Winners will be chosen at random via rafflecopter but if you will only be able to win the Cursed by Destiny prize pack at one blog to make it fair to other participants. If the winner chosen has already won the prize pack elsewhere then a new winner will be chosen.
  • To enter please use the rafflecopter widget below, there are optional extra entries for following or tweeting about the giveaway but these are not required to enter.
  • The giveaway will close at 12:01am GMT on the 25th of December 2013 and the winner will be contacted soon afterwards. You will have 7 days to reply to me with your address or A new winner will be chosen.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I am so thrilled you enjoyed CURSED BY DESTINY, Sarah. To give you a hint, the best is yet to come!

    1. I loved it Cecy! I'm already dying to get my hands on the next instalment so I hope you're not going to make us wait too long LOL

  2. I would love to read this series,sounds very interesting! :)
    Thanks for the chance :)

  3. Sounds so good! I still need to read the first 2, but I have them on my tbr waiting for me to get to this one! :)

  4. I love your books and can't wait to read this one.

  5. I haven't read the series yet, but I've heard the books are really good! Thanks for the giveaway!

  6. I have been eagerly awaiting this release. All the reviews just make me even more anxious. I love Celia and her sisters. This is one of the best UF series today. I have been hooked since book one. The only part that drives me crazy is the romance.(but in a good way) Can't wait to see what happens.
    Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.

    1. I can totally relate to the romance driving you crazy - it does the same to me (in a good way too of course LOL)

  7. I love this series!!! Thanks so much for sharing :)

  8. I love the name of the series!

  9. Sarah you wrote such a great review, stop tempting me :))

    1. Sorry Aly but you should know by now I'm a fan girl when it comes to this series :o)

  10. I love this series. It's original and funny. Can't wait to read book 3. Fingers crossed.

  11. this looks like a really good book to read i'm always looking for an exciting and thrilling book read you never know what's around the corner

  12. Love this series so much! I've had this one on my list since the day book 2 was released :)

  13. I enjoyed Sealed with a Curse and I look forward to reading the rest of the series.

  14. I love your books! The first 2 were amazing and I cannot wait to get my paws on this one. (: Keep turning the books out, girl, and I'll keep reading them. <3

  15. I have read the first two books and they were awesome, among my favorite reads this year and my favorite UF. I cant wait to read Cursed moon and Cursed by destiny.

  16. The series sounds fascinating and right up my street, will definitely be on the lookout for them!

  17. Woot! Love it, Cecy. :D Best of luck and thanks for the giveaway!

  18. I just adore the series-well written, hilarious and characters you can't help but fall in love with...yes, even Mrs. Mancuso!!! What would Taran do without her to argue with?? :) Looking forward to many, many, many more soon as possible!!!

    1. Mrs Mancuso is hilarious isn't she! Talk about neighbour from hell though LOL

  19. I love everything about the series-it's well-written and hilarious, and you can't help but love all the characters, even the crotchety Mrs. Mancuso!! (What would Taran do without her???) I'm hoping for many, many more adventures with the Weird Girls...and hopefully ASAP! :)

  20. I can't wait to read Cursed By Destiny.I have not read any of these :)

  21. Thanks for entering the giveaway everyone, I'll be announcing the winner very soon :o)
