
Tuesday 8 May 2012

Insurgent Week Wrap Up Post #INSURGENTUK #CANDORUK

This post is part of the Team #CANDORUK campaign for #INSURGENTUK. Click on the picture above for more information.

If you've been on Twitter or any of the UK blogs this week then I doubt you'll have missed the madness of the Insurgent release week. As joint leader of the UK Candor Faction along with the fabulous Carly from Writing from the Tub I just wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone on our team for being so enthusiastic and putting so much effort into getting their reviews and other posts up on time.

If you haven't already checked out the Candor UK blogs then I'd highly recommend you do - they are all wonderful bloggers so make sure you're following them!

Carly - Writing from the Tub - Twitter (LEADER)
Caz - Big Book Little Book - Twitter
Darren - Bart's Bookshelf - Twitter
Emma - Book Monkey - Twitter
Georgina - Chick Litaholic - Twitter
Hannah - Booking in Heels - Twitter
Iffath - Painting With Words - Twitter
Jesse - Books 4 Teens - Twitter
Jo - Once Upon A Bookcase - Twitter
Kayleigh - K-Books - Twitter
Keren - Gothic Angel - Twitter
M & Little M - We Sat Down - Twitter

Honorary Team Member:
LittlePirateChicks - For the love of a good book

Now I wanted to make a list of all the posts that have gone up as part of Candor UK's release week campaign just in case you missed any of them!

Divergent Reviews:
Insurgent Reviews:
Extra Posts:
I hope I didn't miss anyone's posts but please forgive me if I did - it was a lot to keep track of! Please let me know if I missed anything & I'll get the links added!

Once again a massive thank you to everyone on Team Candor UK!! I've had a blast taking part in the week and have really enjoyed reading all of your reviews and the fabulous extra posts you've created. Candor UK for the win!!! :o)


  1. Loved your posts on this. x

  2. @ M - I was so impressed by our team's efforts for this, its such a shame we were let down by one team member and didn't win but you definitely can't say the rest of us didn't try! Thanks so much to you & Little M for being such fab team members :o)

    @ Susan - I'm so glad you enjoyed them! It was a fun week :o)
