
Friday 2 March 2012

February 2012 Recap

Books read in January but reviewed in February:
(Links will take you to my reviews)
Books read in February:
(Links will take you to my reviews)
  1. The Gauntlet - Karen Chance (Novella) (This review was posted on Goodreads and will not appear on my blog)
  2. The Queen's Witch - Karen Chance (Novella) (This review was posted on Goodreads and will not appear on my blog)
  3. The Rising - Will Hill (Review Coming Soon)
  4. Oliver Twisted - J.D. Sharpe (Review Coming Soon)
  5. Under the Never Sky - Veronica Rossi  (Review Coming Soon)
  6. Living Dead in Dallas - Charlaine Harris
  7. Fury of Fire - Coreene Callahan  (Review Coming Soon)
  8. Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists - Gideon Defoe
  9. City of Glass - Cassandra Clare  (Review Coming Soon)
  10. Merrick's Destiny - Moira Rogers (Short Story)  (Review Coming Soon)
  11. Everneath - Brodi Ashton  (Review Coming Soon)
  12. Heart of Darkness - Lauren Dane  (Review Coming Soon)
  13. The Snow Child - Eowyn Ivey  (Review Coming Soon)
  14. Hallowed - Cynthia Hand  (Review Coming Soon)
  15. North of Need - Laura Kaye (Review Coming Soon)
    February Books of the Month:
    (Choices are made from books reviewed this month)

    My top YA reads in February:
    Yet again it was impossible to pick just one top read this month!

    Forbidden by Jana Oliver (read my review here)
    If I Die by Rachel Vincent (read my review here)
    The Wood Queen by Karen Mahoney (read my review here)

    My top adult read in February:

    Firelight by Kristen Callihan (read my review here)

    Publisher Spotlight:

    Publisher Spotlight is a weekly feature here on Feeling Fictional where I'm highlighting upcoming books from different publishers.  Check out the following posts and let me know which books you'll be adding to your wish list!
    Challenge Updates:

    These are the 2012 challenges I'm taking part in, I'll update my progress every month but so far so good!

    2012 Debut Author Challenge - Read 10/50

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