Thursday 29 December 2011

2012 British Books Challenge

I've really enjoyed talking part in the 2011 British Books Challenge hosted by Becky at The Bookette.  As a British blogger I think it's important to support home grown talent and that's something I want to focus on even more in 2012.  I'd like to say a massive thanks to Becky for starting the challenge this year and also to Kirsty at The Overflowing Library for taking the baton and continuing the challenge into 2012.

In 2011 I managed to read 58 books by British authors so I'm hoping to read at least 50 books for next years challenge.  You don't have to read that many though so if you'd like to join me you can sign up here.

I will keep a list of books read along with links to my reviews in this post.

January (read other participant's reviews here)
  1. 15 Days Without A Head - Dave Cousins
  2. A Witch in Winter - Ruth Warburton
  3. Mortal Chaos - Matt Dickinson
February (read other participant's reviews here)
  1. Dark Parties - Sara Grant
  2. Code Name Verity - Elizabeth Wein
  3. This Is Not Forgiveness - Celia Rees
  4. The Wood Queen - Karen Mahoney
  5. Daylight Saving - Edward Hogan
  6. Sword of Light - Katherine Roberts
  7. Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists - Gideon Defoe
March (read other participant's reviews here)
  1. Witchblood - Emma Mills
  2. Burn Mark - Laura Powell
July (read other participant's reviews here)
  1. Fated - Benedict Jacka
  2. Losing Lila - Sarah Alderson
August (read other participant's reviews here)
September (read other participant's reviews here)
  1. Unfed - Kirsty McKay
  2. Witch Crag - Kate Cann
November (read other participant's reviews here)
  1. Katya's World - Jonathan L. Howard
December (read other participant's reviews here)


  1. I did tell you I'd be signing up Kirsty but it's about time I got around to writing the blog post lol. Have you had lots of sign ups now?

  2. a fair few and several still trickling in. I did assume you would if I'm honest

  3. That's good news :o) I'm looking forward to taking part in this one again!



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