
Friday 1 January 2016

2016 Contemporary Romance Challenge

The Contemporary Romance Reading Challenge was created by The Book Vixen but for 2016 it is being hosted by Gone with the Words and Love at First Page. If you'd like to join me taking part in this years challenge you can find the sign up page HERE

This is will be my fourth year taking part in the contemporary romance challenge and I'm really looking forward to it. I seem to be binging on my main love of paranormal romance and urban fantasy at the moment but I still enjoy contemporary romance so although I'm reading a bit less I'd like to carry on keeping track of it.

2010 - I read 16 contemporary romance stories
2011 - I read 5 contemporary romance stories
2012 - I read 71 contemporary romance stories
2013 - I read 116 contemporary romance stories
2014 - I read 94 contemporary romance stories
2015 - I read 51 contemporary romance stories

I'm going to set my goal for 2016 at 20 books so that I'm not putting myself under too much pressure.

I will update this post to include links to my reviews as I post them.

January (read other participant's reviews here)
  1. Love in the Light - Laura Kaye
January's Monthly Topic: Ten Most Anticipated Romances for the First Half of 2016

February (read other participant's reviews here)
  1. Emergency Engagement - Samanthe Beck
February's Monthly Topic: Contemporary Romance Recommendations for Newbies

March (read other participant's reviews here)
  1. Sun Kissed - Amanda Abbott
March's Monthly Topic: My Favorite Contemporary Romance Tropes/Themes

April (read other participant's reviews here)
  1. A Wild Ride - Vivian Arend
  2. Let Me - Cecy Robson
April's Monthly Topic: My Top Ten Contemporary Romances of All Time

May (read other participant's reviews here)
  1. The Square Root of Summer - Harriet Reuter Hapgood
  2. One With You - Sylvia Day
  3. For 100 Days - Lara Adrian
May's Monthly Topic: Underrated Contemporary Romance Books

June (read other participant's reviews here)
  1. Hollywood Dirt - Alessandra Torre
  2. The Hostage Bargain - Annika Martin
  3. Begging for It - Lilah Pace
  4. Inseverable - Cecy Robson
June's Monthly Topic: Favourite Romance Beach Reads

July (read other participant's reviews here)
  1. Hard Ever After - Laura Kaye
  2. Ride Hard - Laura Kaye
  3. Hard to Serve - Laura Kaye
July's Monthly Topic: Ten Most Anticipated Romances For Second Half Of 2016

August (read other participant's reviews here)

I'm in the middle of a huge blogging slump right now so I didn't manage to post any Contemporary Romance reviews in August. I'll just have to try and read lots of romances over the next couple of months to make up for it!
    August's Monthly Topic: No Monthly Topic this month

    September (read other participant's reviews here)

    Finally started to beat the blogging slump, no reviews posted this month (I'll have to try and do lots in October) but I did get the monthly topic done so that's a step in the right direction!

    September's Monthly Topic: Favourite Type of Heroes

    October (read other participant's reviews here)
    1. Bound to Submit - Laura Kaye
    2. Her Halloween Treat - Tiffany Reisz
    October's Monthly Topic: No Monthly Topic this month

    November (read other participant's reviews here)
    1. Porn Star - Zara Cox
    2. Her Naughty Holiday - Tiffany Reisz
    November's Monthly Topic: No Monthly Topic this month

    December (read other participant's reviews here)
    1. One Hot December - Tiffany Reisz
    2. The 12 Dares of Christmas - Leigh W. Stuart
    3. Rock Wedding - Nalini Singh
    December's Monthly Topic: No Monthly Topic this month

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