Thursday 18 August 2011

Book Trailer: The Poison Tree - Erin Kelly

After really enjoying Sister, the psychological thriller by Rosamund Lupton, I've been thinking I'd really like to read more in this genre.  I spotted The Poison Tree by Erin Kelly on YouTube and it sounds great so it's definitely one that has been added to my wish list.

Here is the trailer:

And here is a clip I found of Erin Kelly talking about the book, it's another one that is set in the UK and I'm really looking forward to reading it.


  1. That's so cool that you discovered you like this genre too. :) Have fun reading more books in this genre.

  2. I bought this a while back and hope to read it soon!

  3. This looks really interesting. I'll have a look for it. x

  4. @ Nina - thanks :o) I'm looking forward to trying more books like this one :o)

    @ Viv - I can't wait to see what you think of this one!

    @ Susan - it looks really good doesn't it, I definitely need to pick up a copy!



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