Sunday 14 August 2011

Guest Post: 12-year-old Kain makes his blogging debut talking about his favourite books

So today I have a special guest post from Kain who is going to be talking about some of his favourite books.  Kain is only 12 and this is his first ever blog post but I have a feeling we may be looking at a future member of the next generation of book bloggers!  Kain has even agreed to write a couple of guest reviews for me so watch out for his name again in the coming months.


Hi everyone, My name is Kain and I am 12 years old. My mum put me forward for this post because she follows Feeling Fictional.

There are 2 things I enjoy, one is to read and the other is to play on my 360, but I wont bore you with that so I will tell you about my favourite saga, author and my top 5 books.

My favourite saga is the Darren Shan saga, by Darren Shan. I like this saga because the way that Darren makes the beginning of the story sound like a normal teenagers life, but then a sinister turn of events makes him become a vampire to save his friend Steve's life. The saga follows Darren on his journey from a vampires apprentice to a vampire prince!

My favourite author has to be Darren Shan purely because he has wrote 2 sagas, The Darren Shan Vampire saga and The Demonata which follows a group of Mages and a magician who try to save the world from hoards of Demons!!

I also like him because he also writes stand alone books like The Thin Executioner which follows the puny youngest son of the town executioner journeying to a sacred holy mountain in order to get immortality and epic stamina, and also the respect of his father. He is also good because of the way he writes, for example, he can make you actually care for the main character and literally make you balance of the edge of your seat.

My five favourite books are
  1. The Thin Executioner by Darren Shan
  2. Department 19 by Will Hill
  3. The Executioner by Chris Carter
  4. Xombies Apocalypse blues by Walter Greatshell
  5. 8 lives down by Major Chris Hunter
I hope you enjoyed this as it was my first ever post, please feel free to comment.
Thanks for reading!

Thanks so much for a lovely post Kain, I hope you enjoy the books I sent you & I'm looking forward to reading your reviews :o)


  1. I really want to read Darren Shan's series, especially Cirque Du Freak - really must pick myself up a copy!

    Great post Kain :)

  2. I loved this post! Nice on Kain :)

    I'm 18 and still love Darren Shan! :D

  3. Am so proud of you Kain. Fantastic post and enjoy them review books xxxx love mum xx

  4. @ Hannah - I think I really need to try reading a Darren Shan book too :o)

    @ Jade - great to have someone else recommending Darren Shan, I will try one of his books sometime soon!

    @ Louise - I'm not surprised you're a proud Mum! Please say another massive thanks to Kain for me for the guest post :o)

  5. Fantastic post, well done Kain! Will you take up full-time blogging? :)

  6. Hi Clover, I definitely think Kain may end up being one of the next generation of book bloggers :o) I'll be looking forward to seeing his blog when he does!



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