Wednesday 27 October 2010

RHCB Bloggers Meet Lauren Kate Event - 18th October 2010

Lauren Kate (centre) with the lovely RHCB publicists Lauren (left) & Becky (right)

Last week I was lucky enough to be one of the bloggers invited by RHCB to meet up with Lauren Kate, author of the popular YA books Fallen & Torment.  It was an event I've been looking forward to since I read Fallen earlier this year and I'd like to say a massive thank you to RHCB for arranging the meet up for us.

The event was at a pub called The Angelic in Islington and I was planning on meeting up with Lynsey (Narratively Speaking) beforehand for a little book shopping but I woke up late and missed the train I was aiming for.  I wasn't too worried because I thought the event started at 2:30pm and that I had plenty of time but when I arrived at about 12:45 I realised I'd got the time wrong & it had already started!  Luckily I wasn't too late and there were a couple of people who arrived after I did.

It was lovely to get the chance to meet Lauren Kate, she seemed a little shy (I guess us enthusiastic bloggers can probably be a little overwhelming) but was lovely and friendly.  We had all brought stacks of books with us which Lauren very kindly signed, it was probably good practise for her as I know she had lots of signings coming up throughout the week.

Lynsey pumping Lauren for spoilers!

We were all keen to try and get some information about the 3rd book in the Fallen Series (Passion) but Lauren managed to keep her secrets close to her chest.  She did say that the story picks up right after the ending of Torment which I'm relieved about as I'd heard that Passion was going to be a prequel to Fallen and I really need to know what is going to happen next! 

Lynsey, me, Lauren Kate, Carly, Becky, Jo & Lauren

I was very excited to find out that Fallen has been optioned by Disney and I think Lauren said the movie is due to be released in 2012.  Lauren told us that she will be consulting on the film and has met the team who will be producing it but she wasn't sure how much say she would have when it comes to making any decisions.  I'd never really thought about who I'd like to play the characters in a film but there were some great suggestions made as we chatted about it.  I wish I'd thought to write the names down while I was there as I could only remember a couple of them by the time I got home.

I think Lauren's choice for Daniel is Ed Westwick (who plays Chuck in Gossip Girls) and that the studio would like Liam Hemsworth.  I apologise if I've got that wrong (please feel free to correct me in the comments if you were there & I'll edit this post!) but they were definitely 2 names that came up as suggestions for Daniel.  I have to confess I've never seen Gossip Girls and I'm useless when it comes to names so I couldn't picture either of these actors when we were talking but here are a couple of pictures I found on Google:

Ed Westwick

Liam Hemsworth

If you've read Fallen or Torment what do you think of either of them as Daniel?  I don't think either of them are quite how I'd pictured him but I have to say I think they could both be good!  Who would your pick be for Daniel or any of the other cast members?  I wish I could remember people's suggestions for Luce & Cam!  Please don't think that either of the above actors have been cast - I'm sure that no decisions have been made yet - we were just talking about ideas :o)  I'm looking forward to seeing the cast list when it has been finalised though & I can't wait to see the film.  I think we should try and arrange a bloggers trip to see the film (wonder if we could get tickets to the London premier?? Yes, I know that's wishful thinking but it's fun to dream LOL).

Becky, Jo, Lauren & Carly

Lauren Kate and Lauren & Becky from RHCB had to leave at 2:30pm to head to another event but I'd like to thank them all for arranging the meet up.  We all had a great time & it was lovely to get a chance to chat with Lauren!  I'm so relieved I got there "early" or I'd have ended up missing the whole thing (I'm going to be so careful double & triple checking times for any future events!!!)

Becky, Lynsey, Lauren & Jo posing with an Angel wing sculpture near Angel tube station

It was also great to get to spend some time with some of my blogging friends.  One of the best things by far about book blogging has been getting to make some wonderful new friends who are part of the blogging community.  I love getting together with them all & we always have so much to chat about :o)  Carly, Jo & Becky had to leave after the event but Lynsey, Lauren & I all headed back to Victoria station together and found a pub to sit in until it was time for Lynsey's bus home. 


Caroline (Portrait of a Woman) came to meet Lauren & I for dinner after she had finished work and we had a lovely meal at Garfunkels together.  It was a shame that Caroline couldn't make it to the event but I'm glad we got to meet up afterwards.  The evening flew by and before we knew it it was 9pm and we all had to leave to make sure we didn't miss our last trains home!  I did get to give Caroline her surprise from the Jennifer Lynn Barnes event though - I think she was happy with her signed book & wolf pen :o)

Who was there:
Lauren - Lauren Kate
Lauren - RHCB
Becky - RHCB 


  1. Great event report! I was going to write one up... then couldn't remember much about what was talked about! Lol. I love the photos!
    I do remember Lauren (Kate) said she thinks Emma Stone would make a good Arianna :)
    It was a great day, fun seeing everyone again! :)


  2. Oh my, I certainly laid the blusher on a bit thick that day, didn't I? ROSY cheeks! It was awesome wasn't it? So fun!x

  3. Wow what a totally awesome day. Bah I could not afford the train this time. But I am so there in January :D

  4. Hi Jo, I thought that Emma Stone had been mentioned but as that's the same name as one of my cousins I thought I might have imagined it LOL. It was a fun day though wasn't it! Good to see you again :o)

    Hi Carly, I didn't notice that you were looking rosy cheeked so I don't think you did have too much blusher on! It was lovely to see you :o)

    Hi Emma, such a shame you couldn't come but I'm so excited that I'll get to meet you in Jan!! Really looking forward to it :o)



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