Monday 17 January 2011

UK Blogger Meet Up - 8th January 2011

The lovely Jo from Ink & Paper and Once Upon a Bookcase has recently gone to a lot of effort trying to arrange a couple of UK blogger meet ups in London.  Unfortunately the one in December had to be cancelled due to the snow and then Jo was ill for the January meet up so she didn't get to come which was really disappointing.

Thanks to Jo's hard work a few of us did get to meet up on the 8th of January though.  It was lovely to see Caroline (Portrait of a Woman), Becky (The Bookette) and Carly (Writing from the Tub) again and I also got to make a new friend in Hannah from My Book Journey.

I'm sorry for the lack of pictures to go with this post but I woke up late, missed my train and totally failed to take my camera with me.  I could have taken pictures with my phone but I think I'd left my brain at home and it didn't even occur to me to take pictures until we were all on our way home again!

We met up in Garfunkels in Leicester Square (luckily I wasn't too late after the whole missed train debacle  and the others waited for me before ordering!) where we had a lovely lunch and a good catch up.  Then of course a bit of book shopping was called for so we walked over to Foyles where we spent ages eyeing up all the pretty book covers and of course adding a million more books to our wish lists thanks to everyone's recommendations.  I can't believe I've never been to Foyles before - how had I managed to miss it on every other meet up?  I had to be strict with myself and not buy any books as I'd gone a little crazy when I was spending my Christmas money on Amazon & The Book Depository but I still had a lot of fun browsing the shelves and will definitely be going back when I have some money to spend.

After we'd had our fill of shopping (and unfortunately Carly had to leave to catch her train) we found a Wetherspoons pub where we spent more time nattering before we all had to head home.  It always amazes me how much a bunch of book bloggers can find to chat about, there never ever seems to be a break in conversation because we've run out of things to say :o)

Overall it was a fab day, the only disappointment was that Jo couldn't make it after she'd gone to the trouble of organising it all.  There were a few others that had to drop out due to sickness &/or other commitments too so hopefully we'll be able to arrange another meet up soon that everyone can attend.

Who was there:


  1. Aww, you're so sweet, Sarah! Thanks for mentioning me, lol. So glad you all had a good time! :)

  2. You're welcome Jo, it was a fab day. The only disappointment was that you couldn't make it!



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