Wednesday 20 April 2011

Trailer: The Emerald Atlas by John Stephens

I've had this book on my to read pile for a while now but after watching these trailers it has jumped right up the list - I know which book I'll be picking up next!

The video below shows author John Stephens talking about his debut novel The Emerald Atlas, the exciting first installment in a new series:

Here is the official trailer, I just love the animation!

If you'd like to know more here are some character profiles for Gabriel, the Countess and Dr Pym:

The book was released in the UK last week so if you want to get your hands on it head to your local book shop now


  1. Isn't the trailer just fantastic? Currently reading this one :)

  2. The trailers are great aren't they. I'll definitely be reading this one soon :o) How are you getting on with it? I'll have to keep an eye out for your review



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