Saturday 16 April 2011

Video Footage from the Terry Pratchett I Shall Wear Midnight Signing

Apologies for the fact it's still so quiet around here, I've not really spent much time online over the last week or so.  On the plus side that has meant I've had plenty of time for reading - I think I'm actually up to about 13 books that I need to write reviews for now so I promise I'll start posting them soon!  I'm planning to get things back to normal around here next week :o)

I stumbled across these videos on YouTube that were taken by Waterstones at the Terry Pratchett signing I went to last year.  I really enjoyed watching them & it reminded me how much fun my Dad & I had at the event.  The videos show part of the interview Tony Robinson did with Terry before the signing & I thought I'd share them here in case anyone is interested in watching them. If you missed my event report last September you can find it here if you'd like to read it.


  1. Great site of book reviews. I'll be back to insult Nicholas Sparks and raise literary hell.

  2. @ Epic - I'm glad you like my blog :o) I've never actually read anything by Nicholas Sparks but have heard good things about his books.



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