Tuesday 19 September 2023

Review: Magical Midlife Battle - K.F. Breene

It has all come down to this. 

The battle to save Kingsley's pack, and Austin's place of birth, is upon them. They have their team, they have their supplies, and they have a very nerve-wracking secret weapon that Edgar devised.

They aren't even close to ready.

If they lose this battle, every shifter in the world will be in jeopardy. But to fight means danger they might not all walk away from.

If only the battle was their sole worry.

Austin has come home for the first time in fifteen years. He left the pack in tatters and a great many people haven't forgotten, his family included. He must finally face his past.

Get ready for a thrilling and emotionally charged next installment in the Leveling Up saga.

Leveling Up Series:
Magical Midlife Madness
Magical Midlife Dating
Magical Midlife Battle

Visit K.F. Breene's website for more information

Well it's the moment we've all been waiting for, a battle that the series has been building towards since the first book, it's time to fight for their lives in defence of Kingsley's territory. I feel like I've been waiting so long for this book and it really didn't disappoint.

It was so fun to see Jesse and her motley crew away from Ivy House and trying to fit in with Kingsley's pack mates. Kingsley has already made his peace with Austin and Jesse but the rest of their family, and the pack, have no idea what kind of madness is heading into town and they're not particularly happy to have Austin back - even though he is there to help them.

There were some really interesting dynamics in this instalment of the series and it was interesting to see Austin trying to tread carefully and build bridges, I felt really sorry for him with the way some people treated him but it was good to see Jesse and the others come to his defence.

I honestly don't want to say much more about this book, if you're a fan of the series you'll know the kind of antics to expect from the regular characters and you'll already be prepared for an action packed ride. If you've stumbled across this review by accident don't start reading at this book but do grab yourself a copy of Magical Midlife Madness and be ready for a fun adventure as you end up binge reading the rest of the series though!

Source: Received from the author in exchange for an honest review

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