Wednesday 24 February 2010

Review: Romancing The Dead - Tate Hallaway

Planning a wedding can be a real pain in the neck - when you're marrying a vampire.

Especially when said vampire - the wickedly handsome Sebastian Von Traum - goes missing.  And Matyas, his half-vampire/all-attitude son, turns up.  It's not like Garnet is used to an easy life, but having recently escaped the clutches of Vatican witch-hunters and the FBI, she was quite looking forward to settling down.

No chance of that though, unless she finds Sebastian.  Plus she needs to get someone to cover her shift at the occult bookshop, make sure Micha, the sexy new member of her coven, feels welcome and ditch the stray dog which seems to be following her.  But Lilith, Garnet's inner goddess, has got other ideas...

The Garnet Lacey Series:
Tall, Dark & Dead
Dead Sexy
Romancing the Dead
Dead if I do
Honeymoon of the Dead

Visit Tate Hallaway's website for more information

This is the third book in the Garnet Lacey series & continues on a few months after the end of Dead Sexy.  I'd recommend reading the series in order - although this review won't give spoilers for Romancing the Dead it will include spoilers for previous books so I wouldn't recommend reading further if you've not read the previous books.

Sebastian and Garnet have just got engaged but with Garnet's track record that doesn't mean everything is going to go smoothly.  She is still struggling with jealousy issues, hating the fact that Sebastian has ghouls (people he feeds from) but not wanting to become his main food source.  She is also nervous about moving in with him & worried about what the future will hold - with him being an immortal vampire & her being a human who will age. 

Sebastian has talked Garnet into starting a new coven - something she has been very wary of doing since her coven was slaughtered by the Vatican witch hunters.  This introduces a whole host of interesting characters - including the gorgeous Micha.  When Sebastian disappears Garnet isn't sure what to think especially with Matyas back on the scene.  They have to team up to try and find out what has happened & form an uncomfortable truce.

I enjoyed this installment of the series & am looking forward to seeing where the story will take Garnet next.  I'd say the plot was a bit more predictable than the previous 2 books but I still enjoyed it & there were some things that took me by surprise.  I was disappointed we didn't get to see too much of Sebastian in this one but it was interesting to see the relationship between Garnet & Matyas developing and I think the coven are going to add interest to future books in the series.  Overall this wasn't my favorite book in the series but was still enjoyable & I'm looking forward to reading the next book.

Source: Library

Other Reviews:
If you have reviewed this book on your blog please leave a link to your review in the comments & I'll add the link here.


  1. This sounds pretty good! Was looking for a new read. Great review.

  2. I'll defiantly check out this series! It sounds wonderful and I love the cover to this one.

  3. Mmmmm this sounds like a great series...brilliant review! :)

  4. Thank you for the warning! I havent read the review, but I am still curious for the books. They sound so amazing!

  5. @ Sarah - Glad you liked the review hope you like the series :o)

    @ Morgan - It's a really fun series! Hope you enjoy it!

    @ Melissa - Thanks :o)

    @ Nina - it's a great series - I think you'd enjoy it!

  6. I've never heard of this series but it sounds very interesting! Your review has definitely got me interested in reading the books.

    I have some awards for you at my blog:


  7. Hi Maria, in case you hadn't already guessed I would recommend this series LOL. Thanks so much for the awards :o)



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