Sunday 4 April 2010

In My Mailbox (14)

Thanks to Kristi at The Story Siren for hosting In My Mailbox every week.

Books Purchased:
Well I well & truely broke my book buying ban this week LOL.  I was spending some of my birthday money though so I'm going to stick with that as my defense :o)  The 2 books by Colin Bateman were actually ones that Ant brought but they look like fun reads so I'm sure I'll be reading them both too eventually.
  1. I Predict A Riot & Orpheus Rising by Colin Bateman
  2. The Accidental Sorcerer by K.E. Mills (I've not heard of this one but I found it on sale & thought it looked interesting)
  3. Vampire Diaries The Return Nightfall by L.J. Smith (I really enjoyed the first 4 books when I read them a couple of years ago & they are on my TBR pile as I want to read them again before I read the new installment)
  4. Captivate by Carrie Jones (I read Need last week & really enjoyed it, I'm looking forward to finding out what happens next)
  5. Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl (I've seen so many great reviews for this so couldn't resist picking it up!)
  6. Glass Houses, The Dead Girls Dance & Midnight Alley by Rachel Caine (I love Rachel Caine's Weather Warden series & have wanted to read the Morganville Vampires series for ages so I'm glad I've finally got my hands on the first 3 books)
  7. Wolf Signs, Wolf Flight & Wolf Games by Vivian Arend (I purchased these 3 eBooks to take on holiday with me but only managed to read the first one before I had problems with my Sony reader.  Typically now we're home it seems to be working again!)
Competition Prizes:
I received a copy of and Falling, Fly by Skyler White from Amberkatze's Book Blog.  This is another book I've heard lots of great things about so I'm looking forward to reading it

For Review:
I received an ARC copy of eBook You Burn Me by Stella & Audra Price which I've just started reading, I'm enjoying it so far & am looking forward to seeing what else happens!  Thanks to Stella for sending this to me, watch out for the review coming sometime this week.  I also received a copy of volume 2 of A Vampire's Kiss by Laura Stamp.  I reviewed Volume 1 a few weeks ago & I can't wait to read more about Sara & Dray!  Thanks to Laura for sending this to me.

What was in your mailbox this week?


  1. Great haul this week, Sarah! I absolutely adore the Morganville Vampires series, so I look forward to your reviews! Can't wait to see what you think! Happy reading, and I look forward to your reviews!

  2. Great books this week, can't wait to see what you have to say about Captivate :D

    Happy Reading!! :)

  3. Right now I am reading And Falling Fly and Beautiful Creatures=)

    Enjoy your reads & here is my Mailbox:
    Chasity @ LLL in the 808

  4. I love the cat on your mailbox! I enjoyed Beautiful Creatures, and Captive. Hope you enjoy your books, and Happy reading :)

  5. I think I need to read the Morganville Vampire books. I keep seeing them everywhere. I loved Beautiful Creatures and Captivate (can't wait to read the next book especially after Captivate).

    Any time I get money for my birthday I usually do the same thing and spend my birthday money several times over. This year Mockingjay and Clockwork Angel are both published around my birthday so I know that I will be overspending again.

    I hope you enjoy all your books. Looks like you've got some great things to read.

  6. Great books this week, enjoy!

  7. @ Jo - I'm really looking forward to reading the Morganville series :o) It's good to know you'd recommend them!

    @ Maria - Thanks :o) I hope you have a great week!

    @ Shantal - I loved Need so I'm looking forward to Captivate :o)

    @ ck.twilighter - I'll have to watch out for your reviews for both of those, I've heard great things about them both :o) Hope you're enjoying them!

    @ Lizzy - Thanks - I found the pic on google but it looks a lot like my cat LOL. I'll have to check out your reviews for Beautiful Creatures & Captivate

    @ Christina - I'm glad you enjoyed them, I'll have to check out your reviews! It's far too easy to spend money on books. If I won the lottery I'd end up spending a fortune & probably have to buy myself a library to keep them all in LOL :o)

    @ Eleni - Thanks :o) I hope you have a great week!

  8. I really tried to name You Burn Me something else...LOL..I got picked as one of the runner ups, but not the winner *sighs* I hope it is as good as it seems to be. Same with all your books. You did very well this week.

  9. you burn me and a vampires kiss...i am soo there!!! i love those covers omg!!

    will definitely have to go pick them up soon!!!!

  10. @ Lori - I couldn't come up with any good suggestions for the contest, there were some awesome ones made though - congrats on getting a runners up prize. I don't think they used any of the names suggested in the end did they? I finished You Burn Me yesterday & enjoyed it - I should have a review up later :o)

    @ Wings - They are both great covers aren't they :o) You Burn Me was great & I'm looking forward to the second part of A Vampire's Kiss - it's supposed to be very hot LOL :o)



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