Tuesday 21 August 2012

I've FINALLY moved!!

Anyone who has been following my blog for a while will know all about the nightmare housing situation I've had for the last 11 months since a massive sewage leak in the house I rent made it uninhabitable! I've been in various forms of temporary accommodation over the last year but my landlord finally offered to move me into one of the other houses down my road. The insurance company still hasn't signed off on the cost of repairing my old house and it doesn't look like they'll be starting work to fix it any time soon so I jumped at the chance of a permanent move.

You may have noticed that it's been a bit quiet around here over the last couple of weeks - I had been organised and scheduled posts for while I was moving but everything took longer than expected and it left me with very little time to read or go online. To be honest I'm feeling physically and mentally exhausted so even though the move is done (apart from the unpacking which is getting there but still a work in progress!) I can't seem to get my brain into gear for blogging. I have a few posts scheduled over the next couple of weeks but I think I'm going to take this week off from blogging to give myself time to relax and get some reading done. I'll be back soon though so don't worry!

I have Kirsty (from The Overflowing Library) staying for the week which I'm really looking forward to - there will be lots of girlie gossipping, plenty of book talk, hopefully some organising of the books in my new library and a few trips to meet up with some of our favourite bloggers and authors!

In the meantime I thought you might like to see a few pictures of the new house, it's not finished yet but I'm really pleased with how everything is coming together so far.

Front Room:
It wouldn't be my house if I didn't have books in there somewhere but I am also obsessed with dragons so some of my collection have pride of place in this room. I still need to find homes for the rest of my collection but here are a few of my favourites:
That red dragon at the bottom is actually Smaug from the Hobbit!

Kitchen / Dining Room:
The top of this picture shows the world's smallest kitchen - so small that I have to have my oven in the dining room (see the lower half of the picture)

You can't tell from the picture but all the drawers are currently empty because I haven't got around to unpacking the suitcases full of clothes yet! In case the bed didn't give it away orange is one of my favourite colours.

I'm going to miss lazing in the bath with a good book but I'm already head over heels in love with the power shower!

Now this is already my favourite room in the house! I've always wanted a library so I decided to turn the spare bedroom into one & I love it in there. Kirsty is going to give me the benefit of her library experience and help me reorganise the shelves this week. I'll be taking LOTS of pictures when it's done so this is just a sneak peek!

Of course you can't have a library without a librarian and after a lot of interviews Big Ted got the job. Just to give you an idea of how big he is I thought I'd include a picture with me in it too. I won Big Ted at Butlins when I was 18 and although he is huge and it can be hard to find a place for I can't bring myself to part with him.

So, that's a quick tour of the new house, like I said it's a work in progress and I'm still trying to find homes for everything but it is so nice to be living somewhere permanent again. It's just a relief to not have to go back to the house of sewage.

I hope you'll bare with me over the next couple of weeks while things are a little on the slow side - I'll be back to normal posting schedules soon & am looking forward to spending some time catching up on all the blog posts that I've missed and replying to all your comments!


  1. Congratulations! I'm so pleased that you've finally got a permanent home again. It must be brilliant to finally unpack your stuff for the last time.

  2. Congrats on the move & on finally getting a permanent home again!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. So happy you're finally sorted!! Lovely to see you again the other weekend!

  5. Loved the tour of your house and I'm so glad you're finally settled! What a nightmare it all must have been.

    Love Big Ted. And your dragons. Looking forward to seeing your books when they're all shelved and organised :)

  6. Yay! Thank you for posting pictures. that's always fun! I love your library & I can't wait to get my own! :)

  7. Wow- I love the look of that library already, and I can see a few boxes of books still to unpack!

  8. wow it all looks so homely and cosy. I love it x

  9. im so happy for you that you have finally got a place to stay properly. I love the thought of a library! Jealous! ;) happy new home xx

  10. Thank you all for your lovely comments! I can't tell you how nice it is to be sorted again :o)

    @ Essjay - it is so nice to be just about unpacked and sorted, still a little bit of organising to do but it's just good to feel at home!

    @ June - thanks so much :o)

    @ Lyndsey - It was fab to see you too - we must make sure we don't leave it so long next time!!

    @ Clover - thanks so much Michelle :o) I've had Big Ted for such a long time that I can't bring myself to part with him even though he takes up way too much space LOL. I can never resist dragons - I love them! I'm going to do a bookcase showcase post for Kirsty now that she has been down and organised my shelves for me!

    @ Nina - I'm glad you like the pics, the library is my favourite room in the house by far - I keep wandering in there just to stroke the books LOL

    @ Sally - Thanks, it seemed to take forever to organise the books but thanks to a little help from Kirsty (at The Overflowing Library) they're all nicely sorted now. I'll be doing a post about them soon :o)

    @ Susan - it's so nice to have a home again :o) I feel quite settled in already!

    @ Raimy - thanks hun, I'm making the most of having a library while I can. If I move again it'll be to somewhere smaller so I doubt I'll have one for very long LOL



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