Tuesday 15 May 2018

Review: Claws, Confessions Of A Professional Cat Groomer - Anita Kelsey

Throughout her years visiting people's homes as a cat groomer, Anita Kelsey has amassed a vast array of funny, cute and ridiculous stories about cats and, of course, their owners. In Claws, she picks out just a few of her favourite tales to share with the reader from, 'Sammy the Swooner' to 'Tubbs: The Fat Cat Caught in His Flap'.

Claws is a must-have book for all cat lovers by an author drawing on a lifetime of living with and professionally caring for cats in their various guises and eccentricities. In the pages of Anita Kelsey's entertaining and heart-warming book, you'll meet twenty of the most characterful cats, all eventually calmed and preened to their natural beauty and animal magnificence by the author. Meet their owners, too, and enjoy Anita's take on the individual relationships between pet and owner.

Visit Anita Kelsey's website Cat Behaviourist for more information

Anita Kelsey is a British cat behaviourist and holistic groomer who obviously has a huge number of stories to tell about the many cats she's come into contact with through her job. In this book she shares 20 of those stories and relates some hilarious tales of unhelpful kitties who REALLY don't want to sit still for a hair cut. It's obvious that Anita approaches all of her clients sensitively and she gives lots of tips on how to make grooming less stressful for our beloved pets.

The stories cover all kinds of difficult cat behaviours from aggressiveness (one encounter actually landed the author in hospital!), to helping animals recover from abuse or neglect. She suggests lots of different methods owners can try at home along with different toys or products that she's found useful in her work and she also mentions numerous websites where you can go for further advice. Lets face it, every cat owner knows how difficult it is to make a cat do something that it doesn't want to but Anita Kelsey shows that calmness and a lot of patience can go a long way. Oh and you might want to invest in some good quality leather gloves if your cat is particularly anti-grooming!

There are definitely stories in here that will make any cat lover smile and I loved the addition of pictures of some of her favourite or most challenging clients.

Source: Received from John Blake Publishing in exchange for an honest review

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