Sunday 13 March 2016

Crafting Corner: Book Folding Art inspired by Lara Adrian's Midnight Breed Series

It was only a couple of days ago that I posted about my first attempt at Book Folding (read about my Red Rising inspired design here) but now that I've started I seem to have become a little obsessed with it so I thought I'd give you an update of my second piece which I finished yesterday:

I've been a huge fan of Lara Adrian's Midnight Breed series for 7 or 8 years now, it was the first adult paranormal romance series that I started reading and I love it so much that it even inspired my first tattoo. So it only seemed logical that when I was thinking of ideas for Book Folding designs the Breedmate Mark was one of the first things that popped into my head.

I thought this would be a fairly simple design to create but it turns out that just as much work was involved for both this and my Red Rising wolf. I think the results are worth it though and now I just need to reorganise my shelves so I can display them properly!

Book Folding Art based on the Breedmate Mark from Lara Adrian's Midnight Breed Series
(the image in the corner shows my tattoo of the same design)

I'm not going to go through all the steps involved in book folding again (you can read about it in my previous post here) but I'm really pleased with the results and I already have loads of ideas about designs I'd like to have a go at making. In fact, I already finished book 3 today (a Harry Potter theme!) but I've been having trouble getting a good picture since it's a lot bigger than my first 2 so I'm going to make you wait a while before I share it with you.


  1. Ooh I'm so curious about the Harry Potter one! You did a good job with this one though. I don't know the series, but I like that you have a tattoo. If I ever got a tattoo, it would be book themed somehow! haha


    1. Thanks Lauren, I actually posted my Harry Potter inspired design here if you want to see it :-)

      Do you have any idea what sort of tattoo you'd like? I really want a HP themed one but I have a few ideas & can't decide where to get it so I'm holding off for now!



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