Wednesday 25 April 2012

Cover Reveal: Losing Lila - Sarah Alderson

Yesterday I noticed that Sarah Alderson had posted the cover for Losing Lila on her blog (read her post here). I absolutely loved Hunting Lila when I read it last year (read my review here) so it feels like I've been waiting forever for the sequel - August the 2nd can't come soon enough! Anyway here is the cover:

What do you think of it? I think the strap line "It's time to stop running and start fighting" is awesome. I also love how the cover has so much movement to it, you can practically see Lila running across the page.

Now in case you didn't spot it I just want to show you a quick close up:

Yes, that's my quote on the front cover!!! I've never had a cover quote before so let's just say there was a lot of happy squealing in my house when I spotted it! Since Hunting Lila was one of my favourite books last year it was a pretty appropriate review to have quoted.

Now I'll just have to wait impatiently to get my hands on a nice shiny copy!



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