Sunday 1 January 2012

Goodbye 2011, Hello 2012!

Happy New Year everyone!  I hope that 2012 brings you everything you could possibly wish for!

I can't believe that 2011 is over already, it's really flown by!  Although the last few months have been pretty stressful I have to say that 2011 has been a pretty good year all round so lets hope that 2012 just gets even better.  I don't usually talk about personal things on my blog (oh I do on twitter so most of you probably know all about my diet and are probably sick of hearing about it!) but I've never put anything about it here on the blog.  I'm proud of what I've achieved though so I thought it was about time I shared a couple of pictures.

If you'd told me a year ago how many things would change this year I would have laughed at you.  Never in a million years would I have believed that I'd be able to lose 6 stone 8 lbs (or 92 lbs or 41.73 kgs depending on what measurements you prefer to go by!).  I'd also never have believed that I would have given up smoking a month ago (I might have said I'd love to but it's not so easy to break a 15 year habit!).

The picture above was taken in February, a couple of days before I started on the Cambridge Weight Plan.  I have to thank the lovely Laura from Book Chick City for inspiring me to give the diet a try, but I still didn't think I'd stick to it.  Never in a million years did I think I'd do as well as I have!  I'm still shocked every time I look in a mirror or see a new picture of myself looking like this:

Quite a difference isn't it!  It's quite funny the number of people who walk straight past me without recognising me now, even my Dad (who I see several times a week) completely blanked me a few weeks ago because he didn't realise it was me.  I guess I'll have to let him off though since I don't recognise myself half the time :o)  So 2011 has been a year of pretty big changes & I can't wait to see what 2012 will bring!

I don't normally set myself new years resolutions, every time I do I tend to fail them miserably but this year I'm going to give myself a couple of goals
  1. To lose that extra weight that I've gained over Christmas & get back to target, then the hard part is going to be staying there!
  2. To stay a non smoker, I will NOT start that nasty habit again!
  3. Start running - increasing my exercise is going to give me the best chance of staying at my goal weight so even though I don't think I'll ever be a long distance runner I would like to be able to run a few miles.  I'm determined that I'll actually run the Race for Life this summer rather than walk it like I did last year, it's only 5k so I don't think that's an impossible goal.  I've already signed up for a beginners running group that starts at the end of January to help me achieve it.
So those are my targets for the year, now we'll have to see if I achieve them.  What about you?  Have you got any resolutions?  Is there anything you're particularly excited about in 2012?

This has ended up being my personal welcome to the new year but I'll be back later today with a blog related look back at 2011 and a giveaway since today is actually my second blogoversary and I'm in the mood to celebrate!


  1. Awww Hun you look amazing ! Hope you have a great 2012.

    My resolutions are to find a nice young man lol and to keep up with reading challenged and blogging more.

  2. OMG! You've done amazingly well on your diet - you look like a different person! You kept going when I'm sure there were times when you just wanted to give up, and to have given up smoking as well is just phenomenal - you should be so proud of yourself! Happy New Year! :D x

  3. I still do a double take everytime I see you lol.

    You done so well - you have inspired me to really have a go at this diet thing this year!

    And fabulous news with the smoking! Or not smoking I should say lol. Major kudos are due I think :D


  4. You look absolutely amazing, Sarah! What a great achievement and well done on quitting smoking! Hope, 2012 will be even better! ;)

  5. Oh wow, you look AMAZING! And is that New Rocks I spy? :D

    Happy New Year!

    ComaCalm's Corner

  6. You've done so well Sarah and are inspiring! Here's hope I can lose some weight this coming year and NON SMOKER??? WHAT??? YAY!!!!!!

  7. What an amazing year you've had! You've done so brilliantly. If you feel as well as you look, there'll be no stopping you! Here's to a great 2012!

  8. You are such an inspiration! I'm so proud of you, you look AMAZING! Seriously well done to you! Here's to another fabulous year.

  9. @ Natframpton - Thanks :o) I love the resolution to find a nice man - perhaps I should add that to my list since I'm single lol. Hope you have a fab 2012

    @ Book Chick City - thanks Carolyn & happy new year! Giving up smoking really isn't helping the diet front right now, I must get back on track & loose what I put on over the last few months. I'm glad I've done it though :o)

    @ Sammee - at least my Dad is in good company not recognising me lol. Good luck with the dieting - it's hard but worth it in the long run :o) 2012 will be your year! I still keep thinking I want a ciggy & having to remind myself I don't smoke anymore lol

    @ Kara-karina - thanks hun, happy new year & I hope 2012 is an awesome one for us all :o)

    @ Vickie - Happy new year hun! Yes those are New Rocks - they were my treat for hitting my target weight, I've wanted a pair for YEARS lol

    @ Lynsey - thanks Lyns, I hope 2012 brings you everything you wish for & good luck losing a bit of weight. It's a bit of a shock the whole giving up smoking thing isn't it lol. I just woke up one day and decided to give it a try, 5 weeks later & I'm still sticking to it so fingers crossed :o)

    @ Beth - thanks Beth, it was a pretty good year all around :o) I hope 2012 is a fabulous one for you!

    @ Clover - thanks Michelle, happy new year & I hope 2012 brings you everything you could hope for :o)

    @ Emma - thanks hun but I'm nowhere near as fabulous as you *hugs* 2012 is going to be an amazing year for you & your girls, I just know it!



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