Tuesday 28 May 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Favourite Reads of 2013 So Far

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week has a different theme & you can find all the details about how to join in HERE.

This is the first time I'm taking part in the feature, it's one I've been seeing around the blogosphere for a long time now so I'm excited to finally join in! Today's topic is actually a freebie which means you can pick any theme you like. I've decided to go with my top reads of 2013 so far (this is actually a topic that everyone will be doing in a couple of weeks but I have a blog tour that day so won't be able to take part & thought I'd do it now instead). I'm finding it impossible to narrow it down to just 10 books so I decided I'd split this into 3 categories - YA, NA and adult - and I'm going to choose my favourite 5 books from each age range.

My Top 5 Young Adult reads of 2013 so far:

Infinite Sky by C.J. Flood (read my review here)

With All My Soul by Rachel Vincent (read my review here)

Scarlet by Marissa Meyer (read my review here)

Boundless by Cynthia Hand (read my review here)

Scent of Magic by Maria V. Snyder (read my review here)

My Top 5 New Adult reads of 2013 so far:

While it Lasts by Abbi Glines (read my review here)

Losing It by Cora Carmack (read my review here)

Hopeless by Colleen Hoover (read my review here)

Wait for you by J Lynn (read my review here)

The Secret of Ella and Micha by Jessica Sorensen (read my review here)

My Top 5 Adult reads of 2013 so far:

Down London Road by Samantha Young (read my review here)

Night Blade by J.C. Daniels (read my review here)

Beyond Control by Kit Rocha (read my review here)

Edge of Dawn by Lara Adrian (read my review here)

Ride With Me by Ruthie Knox (read my review here)

What are your favourite books of the year so far? Do you agree with any of my choices? What topic have you chosen for this weeks Top Ten Tuesday? Leave me a link in the comments & I'll come and visit your post :o)


  1. I loved so many of these! With All My Soul, Scarlet, Scent of Magic, Losing It, Wait For You... Great choices!

  2. I still need to read Cinder. I've heard so many good things. I have Hopeless on my Kindle, but haven't gotten to it yet. Great list! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
    -Natalie @Natflix&Books

  3. I LOVED Scarlet, possibly even more than Cinder. And I bought Losing It awhile ago, but I haven't read it yet...which is my loss, I'm sure :)

  4. Scarlet is definitely at the top of my favorite reads this year. Great list.

  5. I loved scent of magic! I'm really pleased to see Infinite Sky on this list as I have this on my TBR pile

    Cait x

  6. I loved, loved, loved Scarlet and Scent of Magic!! They were amazing.

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT this week!


  7. @ Emma - I'm glad to see you enjoyed so many of my favourites :o)

    @ Natalie - I LOVED both Cinder & Scarlet so would definitely recommend reading them asap! Hopeless is fab too, very emotional & not at all what I expected it to be.

    @ Stephanie - I think I loved Scarlet even more than Cinder too but I'm pretty sure I gave Cinder 5 stars LOL, I can't wait for the next book in the series! Losing It is great, I'm hoping to read the next book Faking It very soon.

    @ Linda - Scarlet is definitely proving to be a popular one. It's well deserved though :o)

    @ Cait - Scent of Magic is fab isn't it! I'm looking forward to the next book in that series too. Infinite Sky is a really sweet read, I'm sure you'll enjoy it!

    @ Ems - Those have both been really popular (not that I'm surprised by that!) but it's great to see you loved them too :o)



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